Example sentences of "[noun pl] that they have " in BNC.

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1 In English and Welsh courts the position remains that defendants are only liable for losses that they have caused and , as Mr Justice Hobhouse put it , the plaintiffs had ‘ failed altogether to prove their case on causation ’ .
2 Now at about the time that that letter was written on the twenty second of October er Mr had the meeting at the National Westminster Bank that had been arranged between himself and a Mrs and it is clear from er this meeting that the bank would no longer er , given that the Frinton property was not to be offered as security , prepared to offer the sum , the substantial sums that they had originally agreed to do and they were now only prepared to offer very much smaller sums and the plaintiff 's case is that the only way that they were going to be able to proceed to complete on this matter was er by selling their homes , their family home at and it is the plaintiff 's case , certainly in relation to er the losses that they have sustained as a result of the breach of contract , alleged in this case , that er if they had not been forced to go ahead to complete on this deal they would not have been required to sell their family home .
3 At least the claims made by the main parties that they have ‘ gone green ’ have proven to be totally false .
4 Most people vary enormously in the reserves that they have available , so that the things that floor them at the end of term may be the same small irritations that they sailed through at the beginning .
5 Trading Standards however important , and Trading Standards is very important , erm , when you 're getting down to erm , reductions in equipment and uniforms and men , then lives are at risk , it is really a matter of er , er , of , of for our fire fighters that they have the right equipment and the right uniform and when it actually comes down , you ca n't compare that to maybe reductions in Trading Standards .
6 The managers ' continued legitimation may depend upon convincing the stakeholders that they have done so .
7 They are so used to watching TV images that they have no capacity for formulating their own images at all .
8 7.9.4 to produce to the Tenant on demand written confirmation from the insurers that they have agreed to waive all rights of subrogation against the Tenant ] ] It is essential that covenants of this nature should be included except where insurance is to be in the joint names of the landlord and tenant .
9 7.9.4 to produce to the Tenant on demand written confirmation from the insurers that they have agreed to waive all rights of subrogation against the Tenant any undertenant and its or their mortgagees
10 There is a graveyard for cars at Kilvey hill , where young men drive cars that they have taken without authority and then burn them .
11 17.33 With regard to spelling , the aim should be that by the end of compulsory schooling pupils should be able to spell confidently most of the words they are likely to need to use frequently in their writing ; to recognise those aspects of English spelling that are systematic ; to make a sensible attempt to spell words that they have not seen before ; to check their work for misspellings and to use a dictionary appropriately .
12 For some , homesickness is so bad during the first few months that they have no alternative but to go back home again .
13 Is not it hard that all those measures have been placed on students at a time when they find it particularly difficult to get vacation jobs or part-time jobs in term time and when those who graduate find it increasingly difficult to get jobs to pay off the overdrafts that they have had to incur as students ?
14 I mean , I 've worked with the County Council but not on the same sort of budgets as the district councils so they 're making decisions that are affecting the districts that they have n't got any means of
15 It has never been doubted that if directors discover that the accounts that they have presented are defective they can , and should , correct them .
16 The TA there is well recruited , but there are other opportunities for people to serve in Northern Ireland , and I hope that they will use elsewhere the skills that they have acquired in the TA .
17 Although it is not compulsory for auditors to do so , the SFA believes that they will want to ‘ provide feedback on audits that they have completed ’ .
18 An important factor in the crisis is the awakening realisation among West Germans that they have been tricked into pretending this peculiar arrangement of subsidising their compatriots ' oppressors was normal .
19 ‘ This report surely demands a rethink by both the Government and the senior management of BR of the policies that they have adopted over the last 10 years . ’
20 In addition , there are the policies that they have been advocating from the Front Bench this afternoon on the European social action programme , a national statutory minimum wage and trade union law reform , which would make it easier to strike and to have more frequent and more damaging strikes .
21 To be able to continue the activities that they have traditionally undertaken , er , with substantial er , grant and financial support from the County Council .
22 It is when ageist attitudes become part of the rules of institutions , govern the conduct of social life , and blend imperceptibly into everyday values and attitudes that they have a drastic effect on the way older people lead their lives .
23 And I see it as part of my problem in education is to erm , change the attitudes of the the boys who are , you know , at a very young , and I 'll be sorry to think that in ten years time they would still be having erm the rather arrogant attitudes that they have !
24 Another worry is that the existence of guaranteed compensation will encourage some farmers to apply for grants for operations that they have no real intention of carrying out , simply in order to become eligible for compensation .
25 Throughout the EEC it is the rule for patients with sexually transmitted diseases to attend a private doctor for their diagnosis and treatment , and these private practitioners do not report the cases that they have seen .
26 By retaining the link between finance and accounting , local politicians are forced to bear some of the cost of their programmes in the annual taxes that they have to levy in the short run .
27 It is a remarkable tribute to their builders that they have survived for fifty years in regular service , albeit in rebuilt form .
28 We 've looked at the current number of users , where they live , the journey times that they have often provided by us on tra transport and the possibilities of where we can relocate them and clearly we have a number of centres in the Nottingham er conurbation which will be made available to those users from Beaver Vale .
29 This is usually because they 've never thought much about Christianity and the only opinions that they have got are ones that they 've picked up from their parent(s) or the TV .
30 Regarding the £4 million , is not telling local authorities that they have to produce schemes within two weeks and that the money has to be spent by March a disorderly way of doing things ?
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