Example sentences of "[noun pl] that it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 It was only in the tenth and eleventh centuries that it became normal or common for giant churches to be built .
2 It 's been argued by it 's supporters that it ushered in an era of peace .
3 What Labour needs above all is the network of working-class activists , sympathisers and supporters that it had in workplaces and on housing estates even as recently as 20 years ago .
4 One farmer told the authors that it cost him 194,000 Somali shillings ( $14 ) to grow 100 kilos ( 220lbs ) of maize , which he could sell for a mere 55,000 shillings at the local market .
5 The industry wanted to be able to use the funds that it had generated to invest in youth training .
6 The Saturday Review said that there were only four entries that it deemed to be good enough to be designated Gothic , but Clarke 's catalogue listed a further fourteen Gothic schemes .
7 Software602 , the Czech Republic 's largest packaged software vendor , announced it has shelved plans to prosecute a group of Czech teenagers that it alleged had illegally copied software packages belonging to it after the Business Software Alliance refuted the company 's assertions that it was backing the case .
8 During the two shorts months that it took to draft the White Paper , opposition could be quelled , using the new powers and wholehearted support given him by the Prime Minister .
9 Alex Carlile , Liberal Democrat spokesman for Wales said : ‘ I hope the Government will take the same view of damage by flood to Welsh homes that it took to damage to Her Majesty 's home . ’
10 Irrespective of the certainties or ambiguities in the roles that it had begun to develop , the CNAA was also — as a policy instrument — incomplete .
11 ‘ Kalli , ’ wrote Denness in his autobiography , ‘ was so angry that he smashed his bat so savagely on the pavilion steps that it broke in two . ’
12 100 employers were questioned in the survey , each employer naming ten institutions that it thought produced ‘ above average ’ graduates .
13 Formerly , the rule permitting recourse to earlier statutes was taken to allow the court to compare the wording of a consolidation Act with the Acts that it superseded , and to conclude that variation of wording indicated a change of meaning .
14 In an extreme case an authority might decide for economic , political or cultural reasons that it did not wish to make coinage , which may explain the periods mentioned above when various states abandoned coinage .
15 The USSR must not be given the chance to persuade Germans that it had more to offer than the West on the subject of unification and neutralization .
16 ‘ It was n't until late in the coup activities that it became clear that the coup plotters did , in fact , have him , ’ Mr Cheney said .
17 I maintain that the principal force of the 1990 Act is the deterrents that it introduced .
18 Goebbels 's rhetoric that ‘ the German people has never looked up to its Führer so full of belief as in the days and hours that it became aware of the entire burden of this struggle for our life ’ , and that far from being discouraged ‘ it stood all the more firmly and unerringly behind his great aims ’ , sounded even emptier than usual .
19 Fru Møller , who resented the embargo on her taste within the house , and frequently complained of the frustration she endured at having to maintain the past in all its detail , enjoyed the discipline the White Garden imposed , the contacts that it brought her in the gardening world , and the admiration its unusual beauty reflected upon her .
20 It might seem that so artificial a superiority was certain to prove as transient as the hegemonies that it had replaced , although those in whose hands power lay were for the most part undaunted by the new challenges to Britain 's position that they sensed …
21 If Scotland were to have a Parliament with tax-raising powers , it could of course raise taxes that it wanted to raise , but the people of Scotland should be aware that there would then be no capping and no one to protect them from excessive expenditure decided by Strathclyde or Lothian .
22 Ginguene 's most valuable next sentence suggests that the director 's baton had been waved all the time : it ‘ indicated by its strokes the end of each so-called bar and , by the various signs that it traced in the air , the various interpolations or divisions of that bar . ’
23 The Government previously assured both Brussels and local authorities that it used EC grant to provide additional resources for qualifying programmes .
24 In the days since her visit to me , her mind had become so used to the idea of walking in the vicinity of birds that it had seemed quite a natural thing to do .
25 But Christianity had so forgotten an earlier period when it was open to discussion and even mockery of its views that it reacted to the modern onslaught with what often amounted to fear and paranoia .
26 Yet it was in those six countries that it enjoyed the greatest influence and where it was able to generate the most support .
27 He retained an affection for Paris and a gratitude for the intellectual advantages that it had given him to which he later referred as pope .
28 Consequently , each earthly object would have a natural place in the sub-lunar region depending on the relative proportion of the four elements that it contained .
29 Not only are its policies extremely wasteful , but one of the companies that it set up is just collapsing , insolvent , and this is costing £8 a head to every community charge payer in the area .
30 In mid-July , in response to Uruguayan concerns that it had not been invited to participate in the talks , the Foreign Minister Domingo Cavallo stressed that Uruguay was welcome to participate in future discussions and was not excluded from the common market [ for previous Brazil , Uruguay , Argentina trilateral trade accords see pp. 35309 ; 36273 ] .
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