Example sentences of "[noun pl] that you need " in BNC.

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1 These three parts of your analysis — Antecedent events , Behaviour , and Consequences — can be termed the ABC , or basic units that you need to consider if you want to change your behaviour in the way you wish .
2 You do have people from both sexes , of equal abilities and potential strengths , and it would be possible at that stage to have a training pool of people , which perhaps , er redress the balance , and perhaps er gradually have available many people , but you can only do that , if people come forward without skills that you need in order to train them into the jobs .
3 Cutting the mids helped knock out the troublesome frequencies , but the sound did suffer , since it 's often the mid frequencies that you need to increase at higher volumes to prevent that harsh , trebly electro-acoustic sound .
4 All the times that you need to arrive at you will find on the timetable .
5 To design cards for this stitch type is no more difficult than for any other type of stitch pattern , but there are one or two rules that you need to obey .
6 She said , I do n't care whether you are at university , there are certain areas that you need to know a lot more background before you can do it at this level .
7 Erm but yes , lots of people from the flats , either taking part in terms of sitting on the committee and doing all the planning and getting all the various permissions that you needed to do all sorts of things .
8 The material in the dialogues will help you memorize useful phrases that you need when you want to go visiting or generally whenever you want to communicate with people .
9 You can question other people , other people might have that knowledge and you can question and clarify and form in your mind the ideas that you need and maybe put them to the group as a group .
10 Alongside the notes are the kind of broad historical questions that you need to learn to ask about any topic and which have generated the headings .
11 Or are there lots of other things that you need to be aware of ?
12 So but that might be one of the things that you need to look at I mean once sh she may have dif because of the difficulties in communicating with other staff and
13 But look at the negotiation you did , what were you doing well , what were some of the things that you needed most strength .
14 Have you got all the handouts that you need ?
15 If the keyboard is right , and the monitor is right , then the two items that you need the most suit the way you work , which makes for a lot less hassle in the long run .
16 Because there were , there were easily three lists of influence on referrals that you need to be attuned to , that I gave you in that one erm praise , give a bit of praise to my wife because all I 'm proud of crafty , I thought , you know , why did n't you say that was a beautiful brief .
17 So you 've got to learn how to cultivate your ability to summon up the levels that you need when they 're particularly needful .
18 well suited or well fitted with the , with the stuff that , you know , you 've , you 've got erm I mean that 's probably the best way to do it and I also find actually trying to write things sh myself shows up the holes in arguments , shows up the bits that you need yet to fill in sort of thing
19 You need to learn some basic facts about nutrition and the balance of different nutrients that you need at meals .
20 If you follow the Walking Diet you will get the vitamins and minerals that you need .
21 Sorry , sorry , sorry Ten ten horses , ten horses that you need .
22 Tell the others that you need air , or something — and then escape . ’
23 If you need to obtain shareholder or to other approval prior to completion , you should inform us of the specific clearances that you need to obtain and confirm your ability to exchange contracts by Friday 1st December , 19XX .
24 These can be used instead of the time- consuming pulling down of menus but do n't try to learn them — you will soon pickup the ones that you need .
25 First decide on your own lifestyle and the kind of clothes that you need .
26 ‘ You had work to do , and there were important files and papers that you needed . ’
27 In a couple of years time the other schools have gone past you and you suddenly find these services that you need to buy in are become very expensive and become unattainable because you 've been spending your money in other directions .
28 At this level you should get all the fitness , slimness and cardiovascular benefits that you need .
29 All the tools that you need are there and with intelligent use you should be able to manage on your own most of the time .
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