Example sentences of "[noun pl] that [vb -s] at " in BNC.

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1 This proposition amounts to an efficiency explanation of both the variety of organizational forms that exists at any one time and the way in which the pattern of organizations in the commercial world evolves over time .
2 The Royal Commissions and official committees of inquiry have maintained a reticence on such matters that has at times made their recommendations Appear naïve — as if one could consider the reorganisation of Political institutions in isolation from politics !
3 It is this tension between the grandiose themes of cosmology and its mundane workings that sits at the heart of Dennis Overbye 's superb book .
4 Their first single ‘ Mystery Train ’ is restructured with bleeps and beats to sound altogether moodier , while ‘ Senses ’ is one of those emotional anthems that sits at the end of the set .
5 It is the attempt to examine some of these interdisciplinary intersections that lies at the heart of this text .
6 It 's just one of those things that happens at parties ; people do get drunk and they do do things they would n't normally think of .
7 Detritus — Also sometimes known as mulm , this describes the mixture of tiny waste items that gathers at the bottom and in the filters of any tank set-up .
8 Informalisation or permissiveness is seen as involving increasingly less regulation and less formality over rules of conduct , a relaxation in standards that seems at odds with the civilising movement identified by Elias .
9 Although the campaigns in which Mrs Whitehouse and her associates have been involved during this period may , on the surface , seem particularly disparate and eclectic , if one looks below the surface — as Tracey and Morrison have done particularly thoroughly — then it is the diminishing influence of the Church in moral issues that lies at the heart of NVALA action and concern .
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