Example sentences of "[noun pl] that [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 The people that are in the audience laugh when they see animals that could have been made to do things — just for money .
2 But I ca n't help drooling at thoughts of the enormous quantities of top-quality drooling of top-quality jewellery and purses bulging with sovereigns that must have slipped unnoticed to the ground while all of those ‘ gaieties ’ were taking place .
3 Imagine the losses that must have occurred in them during the years of Harrogate 's greatest popularity .
4 the Term will absolutely cease but without prejudice to any rights or remedies that may have accrued to either party against the other including ( without prejudice to the generality of the above ) any right that the Tenant might have against the Landlord for a breach of the Landlord 's covenants set out in clauses 7.6.1 and 7.6.2
5 Yet he could n't quite drum up the enmity that seemed necessary in the circumstances , and that fact quite pleased him , for it proved what an enduring thing male friendship was , even if Jim did look to him less than his old self , and over-dressed in foreigners ' plumes that must have cost a packet in duty , the jacket obviously being pure wool .
6 He smiled for a long moment into the raging eyes that would have struck him dead if they could .
7 He had a lean face and dark eyes that might have come from either his Gaelic or Jewish ancestry .
8 But more compelling were her dark expressive eyes , eyes that had widened with shock on seeing Tyler there , eyes that might have spoken to him of anger but instead had betrayed something much deeper , and far more dangerous .
9 His frowning gaze swept over her and there was a glint in the blue eyes that might have been intimidating if she were n't so angry .
10 It was many years since he 'd had anything in common with his foster family and she would have expected him to use his sojourn in America as a tactful method of ending the association , of breaking ties that could have no conceivable advantage for him .
11 Traditionally , phonemes were supposed not to overlap in their allophones , so that the only plosives that could have allophones with bilabial place of articulation were and ; this restriction is no longer looked on as so important .
12 As for the claim that the older acts and the common law had allowed the imposition of harsher penalties , this was not for the simple fact of combination but for activities linked with industrial disputes that could have attracted prosecution for riot , intimidation , assault or destruction of property as much after 1799 as before .
13 This is not , perhaps , the best year for Britain to act as host to open the series , for the entry tomorrow is clearly affected by Commonwealth Games training schedules as well as the fact that the English Cross Country Union has not found a sponsor who can provide the money for trust funds that might have enticed more prominent athletes .
14 Concern that this uncontrolled expansion of the private sector had been siphoning off funds that might have been more cost effectively used in home based community care led to the government commissioning reviews of resource management and quality of care .
15 ‘ Developing countries are afraid funds for combating climate change will come out of funds that would have gone for development aid , ’ says Reddy .
16 Mr Justice Cooke said that if a receiver failed to terminate a receivership although he had funds that would have achieved just that , then he should be treated as if his authority had ceased .
17 The budget cutbacks eliminated funds that would have gone to reinstallation , maintenance , and security .
18 Indeed , both he and Valentine see the needs of teleworking providing additional momentum behind the delivery of solutions that would have an equally telling effect on the use of technology that would still go on inside the office .
19 ‘ To see if there were any sharp edges or protrusions that could have caused such a head wound ? ’
20 These situations and circumstances are not seen as operating as ‘ causes ’ , in a determinist sense , but as offering incentives or disincentives that will have some degree of probability of influencing the direction in which the choices are made .
21 Two of them were wearing navy-blue men 's overcoats that must have been the crew 's , holding the ends carefully to save them from trailing on the stairs .
22 During the last twelve months subjects that would have been considered taboo , in this Country , have received widespread media attention .
23 Wanting to protect him , she took charge of the conversation then , turning it to subjects that could have no personal connotations for him , subjects like the efficient way that the British government had persuaded the Americans to take over responsibility for Greece and its defence against Communism , which they could no longer afford , and their less effective attempts to involve the Americans in the Palestine troubles .
24 If you 've had office copy entries , the date from which to search is that given at the foot of each page , when the office copy entries were issued ; your search will then reveal any entries that may have been made since that date .
25 They may be able to lend out material about your area in the early part of the century — shops that may have been pulled down , local roads or markets , pictures of young people in clothes of the period .
26 The development of electronic devices like digital computers that can have mind-like properties means that a physical basis of mind is much less improbable to us .
27 ‘ He wrecked your act with a few well-chosen words that would have slid straight off your back if anyone else had said them .
28 2.42 As regards the savings that would have been made by the deceased , Lord Reid thought that the widow and daughter would have had an interest in any capital that the deceased might have accumulated before his death , but he concluded that the widow might have died before her husband whereas the daughter would almost certainly have survived him .
29 But what comes across from the letters is an overwhelming ignorance about female physiology and sexuality , the difficulty of gaining access to information , and a lack of privacy in their homes that would have rendered the use of female methods of birth control extremely difficult .
30 It was the Edinburgh man 's only success from four attempts , and with Nick White failing with four attempts earlier in the game , the Scots squandered opportunities that should have won them the game comfortably .
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