Example sentences of "[noun pl] that [pers pn] want " in BNC.

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1 Our signals that we want to speak , or that we have n't yet finished speaking , are often sent visually and the signals are not the same in all cultures .
2 This is a very useful facility because many of the so called different styles that we want to knit are often based on one of the classic shapes .
3 It 's , it 's erm I think it 's quite interesting cos it 's a different style , in a sense it 's just setting out some goals that they want to achieve but not really giving any clear instruction of how you can achieve those goals .
4 That fact that in , a two years time I can go on to do the subjects that I want to do at the University in Scotland of my choice .
5 The o , the only thing I 'm doing now is the subjects that I want to do
6 Everybody has some books that they want to hang on to that .
7 It could be extended to look even longer , and presented with the words that we wanted to give you ‘ a small gift ’ or a gift ‘ big enough for two ’ .
8 but I mean it depends also I suppose erm , when your aiming for is the market , and I , I , I would like to have my work published but I also like to perform it and its got to be attractive to be looked at , in the first instance in , on a page its not known , er , there is , there is a lot of debate at the moment about using erm pages for poetry and some poets have actually starting using , writing from the wrong side and , and , and , and writing in the shape of a poem , for instance , if , what poem I was thinking off was a , was a waterfall so it was cascading the words cascading , you almost have to pick , ha , ha , have a choice of , of words that you want to fit into a particular thing , erm I think that 's had its place , but I think it can be a bit off putting as well , yeah , but it exciting , yeah definitely .
9 Now just specify the variables that you want in this regression , right , your dependent variable first okay when you 've specified the equation , sorry once you specify the equation press the end key which is between the alphabetic and the numeric key pads , that will then submit that request , right .
10 Erm it it varied really w we saw our role in general as being to support and and facilitate the activities that they wanted to get involved
11 If we now adopt Grice 's meaning-nn as the scope of meaning in the definition of pragmatics in ( 9 ) , we shall include most of the phenomena that we want to include , like the ironic , metaphoric and indirect implications of what we say ( elements 5 , 6 and 7 in Table I.I ) , and exclude the unintended inferences that intuitively have no part to play in a theory of communication .
12 If Scotland were to have a Parliament with tax-raising powers , it could of course raise taxes that it wanted to raise , but the people of Scotland should be aware that there would then be no capping and no one to protect them from excessive expenditure decided by Strathclyde or Lothian .
13 Shaun confessed to me loads of times that he wanted to leave the band because it was n't a good living and he did n't enjoy it that much .
14 At the beginning of each week she read through the Radio Times and TV Times and ringed the programmes that she wanted to see .
15 So we 've got some examples here of some patterns that we want to learn using the N tuple method and tuple and tuple .
16 ‘ It often happens that one who at first was listening gladly becomes exhausted and now opens his mouth no longer to give assent but to yawn , and even involuntarily gives signs that he wants to depart .
17 The Swann Committee had also noted ‘ the views expressed very clearly to us at our various meetings with parents from the whole range of ethnic minority groups that they want and indeed expect the education system to give their children above all a good command of English as rapidly as possible ’ .
18 Always save your file before you sort it and be careful to include in the Data Range all the rows and columns that you want to sort but no others .
19 It 's part of the school 's job to convince parents that they want what the school wants and values .
20 I told my parents that I wanted to go to the lavatory and have a wash .
21 Statutory advisers from the conservation bodies all gave us a list of the areas that they wanted included and , for the most part , we followed those lists in so far as they agreed with one another .
22 We are basically settled on the areas that we want to service .
23 I went through these areas that I wanted to work in and I argued with Jeremy that we had n't allowed for ‘ things visual ’ , that we had a visual medium , that Britain was profoundly under-educated visually , so that we should actually use television for visual education and he fell for this .
24 Why does not he tell Russia and the other former Soviet Union countries that we want them to get rid of nuclear weapons ?
25 You may well find , on looking at it again , that there are various elements that you want to change , and it is much easier to take an objective view of your work if you are looking at it with a fresh eye .
26 She looked so pornographic in her gimmicks that I wanted her to take them off again , or better , much better , push bits of them aside .
27 The following series of questions will need to be carefully considered from the point of view of your client , bearing in mind the negotiation process — clearly it will include matters which your client wants to be excluded from the agreement as well as matters that it wants included .
28 There is such a variety of good literature available for inclusion in syllabuses that we want teachers to have the freedom to make their own choice of suitable books within our broad guidelines .
29 James was by European standards a clear-sighted ruler who wanted to gain a little more of the authority over his subjects to which all kings were entitled , but by the standards of Englishmen he was a ruthless tyrant with the additional vices that he wanted to promote the cause of Roman Catholicism and was willing to infringe the rights of property .
30 In 1977 , he bought passage from the USSR by ‘ donating ’ to the Tretyakov all the paintings from the collections that they wanted ; the remaining ones he took with him to Greece and retirement .
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