Example sentences of "[noun pl] that [noun] should " in BNC.

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1 The European Regional Development Fund ( ERDF ) was finally established in 1975 , together with general agreement on the definition of a region , on the criteria for determining eligibility for assistance and upon the general characteristics that policies should possess .
2 ( Related to that view is the naive assumption of certain sociobiologists that sociobiology should expect to be more closely related to social anthropology than to other social sciences , because the ‘ primitive ’ peoples studied by social anthropology are nearer to nature than human beings who live in large industrialized societies . )
3 ‘ The concept of TQM dates back to the postwar period when a tried to persuade corporate heads that business should become service driven . ’
4 Separate animal rights organisations now work together in co-ordinated campaigns to persuade teenagers that animals should not be used in research .
5 Early advice from the DOH set out the quality aspects that contracts should seek to ensure .
6 In other words that science should establish insights into reality which make social order erm , both possible and well founded .
7 In 1939 , Esquire told readers that ties should be ‘ conservative , muted , an object lesson in restraint ’ .
8 The authority of the Prime Minister was also undermined during December by the confusion generated by demands that Japan should mark the 50th anniversary of its 1941 attack on the United States naval base at Pearl Harbour with a clear apology .
9 However , as we have seen , central government , who through the SEC has boldly pressed on with the introduction of the GCSE , has even in doing so been subject to its own and its advisers ' demands that Standards should be preserved .
10 The plain fact is that there are steps that Cleveland should be taking to improve the way that it manages education spending .
11 It is particularly because of their potential when evaluating activities that objectives should be measurable .
12 There were at Grunwick a group of exceptional women , women of great dignity and strength of personality like Jayaben Desai and Kalaben Patel who although in no sense ‘ westernised ’ had rejected traditional attitudes that women should be submissive and passive .
13 Samuel Johnson in The Idler treats the attitude of some employers that servants should not be educated .
14 Since it was essential to Bismarck 's plans that France should appear as an aggressive power , threatening Prussia in particular and the peace of Europe in general , the situation was not developing as he had hoped .
15 The question of fundamental importance which arises is whether the court should entertain the proposition that an Act of Parliament can so be assailed in the courts that matters should proceed as though the Act or some part of it had never been passed .
16 Recent proposals that S.C.F. should take responsibility for fleets belonging to other NGO 's in Ethiopia have caused The Fund to seek TRANSAID 's help in examining the needs of the organisation including the development of a workshop in the Capital .
17 It also saw frequent proposals that diplomats should be given some systematic training to fit them for the posts they were to occupy .
18 During the campaign for elections to the European Parliament ( EP ) in June 1989 [ see pp. 36737 ; 36874-75 ] they successfully capitalized on opposition to controversial proposals that foreigners should be enfranchised for local elections throughout European Community ( EC ) member states .
19 Proposals that wages should be linked directly to age were put forward by labour unions in the later 1940s as a way of establishing a wage profile that reflected the increasing levels of housing or educational spending , but the slope of the female wage profile shows that the age/wage connection may not be universal .
20 Requests that letters should not be sent to the home address or that the telephone should not be used are always respected .
21 It was something about the times that drugs should be so easily come by .
22 It did not worry about women 's invisibility precisely because it accepted prevailing views that politics should be left to men , that the proper forum for female participation is inevitably the family and that the main function of the politically competent woman is to socialise the children and to filter the needs of home and family into the political system .
23 They 're areas that people should not be living .
24 During the drought of 1976 this resulted in an unusually high concentration of nitrate in the aquifers under parts of East Anglia and warnings were issued in some areas that babies should be given only bottled water to drink .
25 Robert Dodds , managing director of Broadcast Innovations , a sponsorship firm backed by two advertising agencies , told a conference last week : ‘ There is an arrogant belief on the part of broadcasters that advertisers should support their output regardless of where the programme is scheduled .
26 I am saying that Lord Justice Woolf , who produced an authoritative report on prison riots and the improvement of prison conditions — admittedly , a report that does not recommend the one thing that the Home Secretary has chosen to do , but a report which the Home Secretary wrongly described as comprehensive — draws attention time after time to the simple fact that all prisons that rioted in 1990 and were the subject of the inquiry were so overcrowded that many of the proper duties that prisons should perform were not being and could not be performed .
27 ‘ The commission took into consideration the fact that the Wimbledon manager , Bobby Gould , was recommending to his board of directors that action should be taken against one particular player for his part at Upton Park , ’ said Kelly .
28 For he suggests that parliamentary democracy is an egalitarian way of deciding certain policy issues , such as what the criminal laws of a community should be ( Dworkin , 1978a , p. 258 ) , and elsewhere , in respect of a more restricted class of ( moral ) policy issues , he has this to say : ‘ Under certain circumstances that issue should be left to democratic institutions to decide , not because a legislature or parliament will necessarily be correct , but because that is a fair way , in these circumstances , to decide moral issues about which reasonable and fair people disagree ’ ( Dworkin , 1981 , p. 208 ) .
29 Leave was refused at first instance and in the Court of Appeal , though a few months later a Practice Direction ( [ 1986 ] 2 All ER 226 ) was issued indicating the collective view of the judges that solicitors should be permitted to appear in the High Court or Court of Appeal in formal or unopposed proceedings .
30 … including particularly , in the light of recent events , a paragraph on prison security on the general lines that prisons should be better to live in and harder to get out of .
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