Example sentences of "[noun pl] that [pron] feel " in BNC.

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1 The disaster of Munich was , in fact , so monumental in Nizan 's eyes that he felt constrained to write an account of the whole affair in order the more effectively to understand it .
2 And I 'll go through some strengths that we feel they have and the monopoly obviously is one of the er major strengths .
3 It must be a phrase or short sentence , and include words that you feel the children need to learn to spell , e.g. " The sun is really shining . "
4 The words of the songs , even given the fact that much is lost in translation , are disappointing ; such is the passion and power of the voices that you feel they must be singing about life and death matters .
5 As it was , the arrogance that he showed others in his business was mirrored by the doubts that he felt about himself .
6 It is for these reasons that I felt then , as I do now , that in pursuing an industrial career I was performing a social service , of no less significance than my service in the armed forces .
7 I decide on a couple of small changes from my original sketches that I feel will improve the design and feel I want .
8 I decide on a couple of small changes from my original sketches that I feel will improve the design and feel I want .
9 He wanted to do more than just look ; it was at such times that he felt the urge to paint .
10 After all , saying ‘ please ’ and ‘ thank you ’ , offering a helping hand , giving a seat to an elderly or disabled person , are the outward and visible signs that we feel that other people and their rights matter .
11 The pope himself was beginning to waver , and there are signs that he felt some embarrassment at abandoning the position of his predecessor and leaving Anselm isolated .
12 It was perhaps unfair to ask farmers to highlight their own shortcomings but almost half did identify areas that they felt needed improvement .
13 One was to erm reimburse them for er errors that we feel that er , we could have avoided .
14 What are the emotions that you feel as you think about them ?
15 Only a few years before , Camille had been acutely concerned about her mother 's appearance , sometimes refusing to be seen with her in public , but now it seemed that she no longer minded : she had expropriated from Scarlet 's wardrobe those few articles that she felt would suit herself and had thereafter left her mother to her own devices .
16 He had won it convincingly , as the judges ' 60–56 , 60–56 , 60–57 scores proved , but such is the tension of the schools finals second only in most young boxers ' eyes to the senior ABA finals that he felt he needed a bit more help .
17 Then they stared at each other in silence and saw into each other 's heart , sensing that each was a little afraid of what was to come , and of the powers that they felt were in their wings and across their lives and which had brought them together .
18 Are we prepared to discipline ourselves to restrictions and regulations that we feel we ought to impose for our own good ?
19 Er there was no constraints erm within the project or within the responsibility statement on saying that somebody else should be responsible for certain things that we felt were outside our , our remit .
20 Well , all that , all we 've got at the moment Alan is a list of things that we feel should be in there
21 within a reasonable area to order the things that she feels she wants for herself
22 I was very impressed by the care and attention I received in labour and the concerned approach of the consultant and all the junior staff to things that I felt wrong with my first delivery .
23 There were a lot of little things that I felt were wrong .
24 Well yesterday the three things that I felt that were most useful to me was one the delivery two the coaching and the thought patterns .
25 I 'd just like to say one of the things that I feel very sad about , Bill , is when I see the line up of all the people in the the heads of state , or things like that , I no longer see a dress , I no longer see a hat , and I still have n't got used to the Prime Minister ‘ he ’ .
26 But to bring out questions , things that you felt in your groups that you would like to perhaps ask the others about , or came back and ask me , any particular points that you to read on or were n't clear when you were talking in a group , or things that you felt the others might you know , to talk about .
27 But to bring out questions , things that you felt in your groups that you would like to perhaps ask the others about , or came back and ask me , any particular points that you to read on or were n't clear when you were talking in a group , or things that you felt the others might you know , to talk about .
28 So I hope hopefully this evening will be a very constructive meeting and we 'll certainly welcome your views about what you feel should be happening to the theatre or should be taken or should be taken place at the theatre , what should be on at the theatre , and er things that you feel that are n't happening at the moment .
29 And er the idea is to highlight the things that you feel are pertinent to you and what you 're going to do about them .
30 In the light of the one sided nature of the contest , Glenn William was quick to highlight some of the difficulties that he felt hindered the development of British tennis players , in relation to the situation in his country .
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