Example sentences of "[noun pl] he [vb past] of " in BNC.

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1 Shrugging the collar higher around tingling ears he thought of Carrie .
2 I tried to get a lift from every vehicle that passed , but Oliver only stuck out his thumb at cars he really wanted to ride in , and sometimes even scowled at drivers whose cars he disapproved of .
3 No way , she felt , of changing things with him , she was just there with him , he told her he loved her so there she was , identified and placed by the words he spoke of her .
4 Enthusiastically , curbing the dislike he felt , Hugo embarked on a plan that would give Grégoire a solid foundation in all the subjects he considered of importance .
5 He wondered whether there had been others , also tucked out of sight , and he tried again to see a connection between the recipients he knew of .
6 He said pillion riding was one of the most exhilarating experiences he knew of .
7 In memorable phrases he spoke of things being ‘ changed utterly ’ as a ‘ terrible beauty ’ was born .
8 When I felt able , I returned to the house where Lem , the embalmer 's brother , gave me all the particulars he had of the accident and suggested the police department would have any further details .
9 Over a few years he disposed of about £40,000 .
10 His artistic fame rested primarily on the series of paintings he did of Queen Victoria and Elizabeth Tuffield , nee Groves — ‘ The Royal Condescension ’ paintings of 1883 , 1889 and 1900 , ‘ True Nobility ’ ( 1897 ) and ‘ Post Office , Whippingham I.O.W. ’ ( 1899 ) .
11 Maria jeered caustically , driven partly by masochism but also by a need to lash out as she realised that in addition to all the other contemptible things he believed of her , he was now also convinced that she was a liar .
12 Then Howard sits back and tells them about the terrible balls-up he made of his arrival in the city .
13 Codron told me that one of the most potent memories he had of Pieces of Eight was the ‘ violent love-hate relationship ’ Ken had with his co-star Fenella Fielding .
14 Before the end of the day , he had had a short sharp interview with Chief Inspector Chips Salter , who produced the names of the two families he suspected of killing the Pitts , with his reasons for this suspicion , while at the same time letting John Coffin know he thought he was wasting his time looking elsewhere .
15 Civility and respect — what cold emotionless qualities he expected of her .
16 His major contributions to Welsh scholarship , however , were the numerous studies he published of the intricate structure of the four branches of the Mabinogi and of aspects of the Arthurian legend , a field in which his interest had been aroused by the work of Sir John Rhŷs [ q.v . ] .
17 Wulfstan was not interested in recording this , presumably because as he thought that a king should levy only light taxes he disapproved of the procedure .
18 Constable Dale Buckingham had just collected the car from the scene of the raid , in Bristol , and was taking it to his police station when he saw two men he suspected of being involved in the raid , and stopped .
19 But whatever chances he had of finding them in London , he had none in Dublin .
20 Oh expressions he got of mine
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