Example sentences of "[noun pl] it [modal v] have " in BNC.

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1 In their friends ' eyes it would have been unreasonably proprietorial of him not to have released her with a minimum of fuss .
2 And if this book sparks interest in the reader to make his own contribution towards achieving these goals it will have been especially successful . ’
3 This emphasizes the intentional nature of the curriculum , and the various forms and settings it can have .
4 In other words it would have to be job beneficial , it would have to be of strategic importance and and all those other things we 've been discussing .
5 For this recession to equal the previous record of 16 months it would have to drag on for another six months .
6 Estimates suggest that the peasantry as a whole was giving up over one-third of its total rice output for much of the period , but in some areas it may have been much higher .
7 As the date itself might suggest , it was amongst the worst directions it could have gone .
8 All the trees , so large now as to enclose this garden , excluding the sight of other houses , so that but for the complex of railway lines it might have been in the country , were in late summer leaf .
9 Only last year organizations such as CAMRA helped to get S & N's bid for J. Cameron ( Hartlepool ) referred to the Commission on the grounds that if S & N acquired Cameron 's pubs it would have a monopoly of outlets in the North East .
10 You 've got er , all the tones it should have but , the overall crispness , sharpness I 'm afraid , is lost .
11 Francoise Jacquier , waiting in the Caribbean port of Limon for the start of the race , seemed more worried about the effects it would have on her .
12 And whatever other effects it may have had , Communist rule meant that the country was immune to the MacDonalds culture which has swept away the individuality of so many countries .
13 A motion to monitor the effects it will have on people that we are responsible for .
14 He could still not understand what was happening to him , or the far-reaching effects it must have upon his life .
15 If the upper part had been true as to intervals it would have been in B major , and of course the tonal results would have been chaotic : organ Whether intervals are true or false does not matter to listeners , who can not easily distinguish the difference .
16 In certain circumstances it might have been preferable for a beneficiary to have a real action , in which case he would press for interpretation as a legacy .
17 In these circumstances it might have been expected that town planning would be guaranteed a fair wind for many years while the consensus survived .
18 In these circumstances it would have been astonishing if fundholding had not produced improvements in services for patients .
19 Roman 's interruption held a note of such ferocious anger that in any other circumstances it would have stopped her in her tracks .
20 In other circumstances it would have been comic .
21 But thanks to their 28 victories in the constituencies the Conservatives would have had nine seats ( 28 minus 19 ) too many , whilst from the pool of ten additional seats it would have been impossible to furnish both the nine additional seats due to Labour ( 11 minus two won in constituencies ) and the ten additional seats owing to the Liberals .
22 Whether or not it is correct , it quite clearly differs from the parents ' explicit account of their perception of how the decision has been reached and the implications it will have for George .
23 However , the tribunal rejected the employer 's reasoning , holding that if such reason were to be valid after the appeals it would have had even greater validity before .
24 IBM Corp shares saluted the imminent departure of John Akers with a jump of $3.25 at $52.125 at the opening the day after the company accompanied news that it was cutting its quarterly dividend only 55% with the announcement that within 90 days it would have a new chief executive .
25 File control box and files and buffers it will have to probably
26 In so far as war recruitment affected the labour market , by emphasising labour shortage in the brisk years it may have helped advance money wages , while in the worst years it may have limited the extent of unemployment .
27 In so far as war recruitment affected the labour market , by emphasising labour shortage in the brisk years it may have helped advance money wages , while in the worst years it may have limited the extent of unemployment .
28 She likes to shock ; from current trends , the Gothic style pleases her ; in earlier years it would have been punk , or beatnik .
29 It seemed like a good idea at the time , but that time , I could feel , was running out , and I could see that in a very few years it would have run .
30 If Japan 's lending had continued to expand at the same pace as in recent years it would have overtaken Britain in 1992 .
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