Example sentences of "[noun pl] it [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In all types of contracts , particularly the last , definition of the risks it is intended to cover and the manner in which they will be allocated is of great importance .
2 Whereas in art and design the CNAA was negotiating with an established , parallel validating body and with institutions operating courses accepted as being of degree standard , in the creative and performing arts it was moving further into complicated and confused territory .
3 Moroni it was called .
4 If he makes a will , as most men do , it is almost certain that he will set apart a considerable proportion for the saying of masses ; if he should neglect to do so , and in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries it is regarded as almost a sin to die without making a will , the Church ought to make the provision which he has failed to make for his soul .
5 For centuries it was persecuted and the cruelties heaped upon it were given the full backing of the Church .
6 For centuries it was ordained that , despite the evidence , everything in the Universe circled the Earth : a number of people were put to death because they happened to disagree .
7 Restless legs it 's called .
8 Second , there are the cash resources available from the Training Agency , for those Compacts it is funding in Urban Programme Areas .
9 After a few sessions it was becoming clear that Henry 's impact on the scheme was reciprocal .
10 To remedy these grievances it was enacted that the Charter of the Forest was to be kept in all its articles , that the perambulations made in the time of Edward I were to be observed , that those perambulations which still remained to be made should be made as quickly as possible , and that the forest boundaries in each county should be confirmed by royal charters , as laid down in the perambulations .
11 The answer is never one the minimum we 've come across in an organization is two the typical is five to ten and in some organizations it 's going on fifteen .
12 Univel Inc has outgrown the offices it was leasing from its parent Novell and has moved to new premises in the neighbourhood also belonging to Novell .
13 Over the next fifteen years of constantly recurring crises it was going to get much worse .
14 But unlike the £30,000 Range Rover , the Discovery is financially more accessible : at £17,300 upwards , it 's appreciably cheaper than many of the Japanese intruders it is seeking to chase out .
15 In one study of a small group of wrist-slashers it was found that more than half were well , or had shown improvement , 5–6 years later ( Nelson and Grunebaum 1971 ) .
16 That was the lure of Persia — the fantastic attractions it was held for Westerner ever since the seventeenth century , when traders , ambassadors and princes began to bring back exotic spices , silks and tales .
17 Owing to lack of funds it was decided in 1902 that " the question of a National Home for the poor aged deaf must be left in abeyance until more funds became available " .
18 Although no requests were made for funds it was agreed to donate £20 to the Westside Jazz Band and £10 to the Currie High School Country Dance Band .
19 In fact , rather than jumping to simple solutions it is starting from first principles .
20 You 'll find the little diagram showing you where the pulmonary vein and the pulmonary artery are on page eleven , page eleven if you want to refer to it right , if you want to look at it in a closer detail tonight that 's fine and if you want to see what I 'm saying now in a diagrammatic form look on page thirteen now if you look at that you 'll see some , the blue vein blood vessels it 's coming out of the right hand side of the heart and if you look at the direction of the arrows , okay , they 're going away from the heart , do you agree with me ?
21 The design of an organisation depends on the goals it is pursuing , its size , its market , the environment in which it operates and the technology it is employing .
22 Either way , Theodora thought , how like the clergy it was to want to keep the clerical club intact and not let in outsiders .
23 As it happens , in the early days of computers it was thought that it would be only a few years before computers would be able to understand natural language .
24 It sits upon a throne , an absolute monarch , unafraid of any princely off-spring still unborn and by its Subjects it is hated , feared , revered and loved , known by all and recognized by none .
25 From these relationships it was established that total leakages ( T + S + M ) must equal total injections ( G + I + X ) .
26 Once again , plot is conceived of as compositional process , a bringing-into-being ; in other words it is conceived as something quite different from what one of the novel 's characters describes as a ‘ crappy mystical adventure story ’ .
27 In other words it is said that a verdict of death aggravated by lack of care may be appropriate once there is an inquest but the availability of such a verdict does not determine the question whether or not there should be an inquest .
28 In other words it is assumed that the difficulty of the item will be the same for any individual irrespective of his or her previous learning experiences etc .
29 In other words it was recognised that community care is not necessarily , and not for ail , a cheaper form of care .
30 The town of La Rochelle was granted a " commune " , in other words it was given rights of self-government and allowed to elect a mayor instead of having to put up with being ruled by an official imposed upon it from above .
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