Example sentences of "[noun pl] it [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 To Curtis 's ears it sounded uncannily like the faint clapping of a ghostly audience .
2 But experience tells us that adaptive behaviour most often reflects the intelligence of evolution rather than that of the animals it has so carefully programmed .
3 In the last two centuries it has also been a source of scholarly controversy amongst historians , theologians and philosophers .
4 In publicising one 's own methods it becomes only a short step to maintaining that this personal success is general success and can be achieved only through this personal approach .
5 Yet though the African Social Studies Programme suffers from close comparison with its two elder brothers it has nevertheless already influenced practice and served as a forum for international exchange of ideas and can be seen as a contributory factor in the widespread change of emphasis towards study of man in his environment .
6 When we visited the big open-air retail market in the upper town at Montpellier , there was an ordinary enough little charcuterie-épicerie stall offering the ingredients of what might be called the small change of French cookery , but to our English eyes it looked particularly inviting and interesting .
7 However , this is but the reverse side of the Janus face of justice , for in their eyes it happens more often that criminals are released or are not put in prison for long enough .
8 Pure ethanol in low concentrations ( <5% volume/volume ) is a mild stimulant of acid secretion whereas at higher concentrations it has either no effect or a mildly inhibitory one .
9 But last month the Department of the Environment revealed that , out of more than 1500 large dams it knew about 191 have no known owner — and many more have no certificate of safety .
10 In previous relationships it had always been Lotta who had moved on to better things ; she 'd never been rejected before and she felt angry and humiliated , particularly as she saw her standard of living about to fall . ’
11 It is 36in model with all the trimmings It runs superbly , absolutely no vibration .
12 Phylloxera is generally considered to be the greatest disaster in French viticultural history , but in some respects it has also been a blessing .
13 It was designed as a safety net , but in many respects it has now become a high wire for farmers .
14 It is not yet clear exactly how it would expand in this area , but the steps it has already taken are illuminating .
15 But as they gently mock the truth of their attachment they relapse into prose , which in their mouths lacks many of the anti-romantic , realistic , mocking connotations it has elsewhere in Shakespeare .
16 For months it had apparently been common knowledge ; something to be tutted over and discussed in hushed tones that stopped abruptly whenever she entered the common-room .
17 In dogs over three months of age , the hepatic-tracheal migration occurs less frequently , and at six months it has almost ceased .
18 British Telecommunications Plc 's BT North America has announced deployment of 9.6Kbps local dial capabilities in 99 new US cities , meaning that during the last six months it has more than doubled its coverage .
19 His letter was probably the saddest , most pathetic six paragraphs it has ever been my misfortune to read .
20 In some areas it goes further in its handling of Stalinism than the conventional wisdom in the Soviet media , and certainly than official party spokespeople have done .
21 In many rural areas it has therefore been usual for local farm workers to work on the land ‘ man and boy ’ .
22 Ironically , the government really has been true to its policy of noninterference in the ‘ free market ’ where women 's opportunities are concerned , though in other areas it has often recognised the paradox that non-interventionist policies require intervention to make them work .
23 Additionally , in many areas it runs parallel to power cabling .
24 On new American or European subject areas it works very poorly . ’
25 Where the Huarache excels is in combining light weight ( at 270 grams it competes comfortably as a racer/trainer ) with stability .
26 Gilgamesh is not reported as having any significant dreams after Enkidu 's death , and despite his continuing efforts to penetrate the mysteries it becomes increasingly apparent that his powers have waned and the gods have turned against him .
27 Through current vital statistics or special studies conducted in statistically more developed countries it has long been observed and well demonstrated that childbearing patterns , such as maternal age , parity and the interval between consecutive births have a characteristic effect upon the probability that a child will survive infancy and early childhood .
28 In some winters it extends as far north as the limit of cold Antarctic surface waters , i.e. to the Antarctic Convergence , particularly in the Pacific and Atlantic sectors of the ocean .
29 As Japan 's legal and political system conformed increasingly to Western models it became more and more difficult for foreign governments to refuse to entrust their nationals to Japanese jurisdiction .
30 The machine must continuously provide the musicians with examples of improvised drumming generated by the models it constructs so that its assumptions about the musical knowledge can be validated .
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