Example sentences of "[noun pl] i would have " in BNC.

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1 With the Russians I would have been executed on the spot .
2 If it had not been for his clothes and the rings on his fingers I would have scarcely recognised him . ’
3 ‘ If the FA had asked me personally to select our opponents I 'd have gone for Orient , ’ said Still .
4 ‘ After the events in Leipzig and other cities I would have expected more , ’ said another .
5 ‘ Groups like King Crimson were around when I was about 17 , and I suppose the earliest progressive British groups I would have listened to were Procol Harum , The Nice , et cetera .
6 They were a bit away from the Rice Crispie hole type of thing but if I 'd have used my eyes I would have noticed where they were .
7 ‘ If I 'd been in your shoes I 'd have walked right out on him . ’
8 ‘ If I had n't known he was wearing shoes I 'd have sworn he had clogs on , ’ Maggie said .
9 In your shoes I 'd have expected him to come prepared with a big stick . ’
10 In normal circumstances I would have written this information off as being about the small Green Swords which come from the Rio Sarabia , but in this case I could not , as the fish concerned had been supplied from Dr Kallman 's laboratory and were correctly named .
11 In some circumstances I would have welcomed such a discussion .
12 Under other circumstances I 'd have had a snappy answer for her .
13 If there were bouncers on mountains I would have been refused entry to the crags on more occasions than I care to recall .
14 A perfect place for bolts I would have thought .
15 And there have been days I 'd have liked her at home when I had a headache or one of the nuns had roared at me at school .
16 Sitting at table with these guests I would have felt uncomfortable even if I had n't robbed my sister .
17 wo n't be many places I 'd have thought .
18 If the county championship was still there as it used to be , then I could pick only northern-based players and in two or three years I 'd have a very strong side . ’
19 Um and er so yeah if you sort of do something along those lines um so y'know sort of find some extracts and think of some questions I would 've thought .
20 There were several questions I would have liked to have put to them , but had I done so I would have altered the environment for them and made them hyper-conscious of their limitations .
21 In fact I broadcast that material , but I cut it into three programmes , and I , I cut in the questions I would have asked if he 'd actually given me a chance to ask them .
22 Fun day , more fun than today and today I hope I 've provided some of the ground work ca n't there 's a lot of things I would 've liked to have gone into more detail and generally I do but today there 's just there 's just not enough time in a day to do it .
23 ‘ I dressed for sex and thought about nothing else on these trips to London and , once I was locked away with Andrew , I got up to all sorts of things I would have been too embarrassed to do with Tony .
24 In the normal run of things I would have had no business there , no access .
25 Erm but er unless I I may repeat one or two of the things I 'd have said on the phone I 'm bound to do that , er the three things that are gon na be decided here today really is you if you and I erm you 've got inside information of course , er if you and I agree that er is the is the platform for you to earn some good money .
26 Mind you , I earned that foreman 's job , but I did n't take it because I knew the problems I 'd have had with the men . ’
27 ‘ If I had any political objectives I would have been sitting in my cantonment ( barracks ) scheming and planning , ’ Gen Beg said .
28 ‘ And when it comes to females I 'd have a problem trying to escape them anyway , ’ he said , determinedly light .
29 If there has been tricky manoeuvres I would have ignored the set course and followed my own , turning a circle if necessary : this was a schooling round , not an attempt to win a rosette .
30 If I 'd had some castanets I 'd have clicked them in his face .
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