Example sentences of "[noun pl] it had [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In previous relationships it had always been Lotta who had moved on to better things ; she 'd never been rejected before and she felt angry and humiliated , particularly as she saw her standard of living about to fall . ’
2 For months it had apparently been common knowledge ; something to be tutted over and discussed in hushed tones that stopped abruptly whenever she entered the common-room .
3 Within two days it had all been mysteriously removed !
4 In the old days it had all seemed worth it — she 'd enjoyed filling stockings and wading through a carpet of toys and dressing the tree and singing carols when they were little .
5 With the signing of the agreement it would appear Compaq has overcome the reservations it had about IXI Ltd 's X.desktop manager — included in Open Desktop — which Compaq steadfastly refused to accept as a part of ACE 's Open Desktop offering : it preferred instead HP 's Visual User Environment .
6 After all these years it had finally happened !
7 And for a few years it had just about done so .
8 Birthday Offering ( 1956 ) Ashton 's third classical ballet Birthday Offering to music by Glazounov was a celebration of the twenty-fifth birthday of The Royal Ballet and of the seven ballerinas it had now fostered .
9 Better educated , brighter , and more articulate than many of the older men who had supported Paisley since the 1950s , Robinson gave the party managerial and organizational skills it had previously lacked .
10 Sheffield was a very different type of town , but like most other places that developed into great Victorian cities it had already had a long history as a market and craft centre .
11 Masklin wondered how many times it had industriously cleaned this corridor , while it waited for nomes to come back … .
12 Like the Gendarmerie , the Sûreté was a pan-Indochina service , owing loyalty to the state interests of France , not of the native sovereigns , of whose territories it had nevertheless a free run …
13 Unlike previous years , however , the significance of the Iowa contests was reduced by the fact that neither of Bush 's two challengers ( Buchanan and former Ku Klux Klansman David Duke ) contested the caucus , whilst amongst the Democrats it had long been accepted that the contest would be won by Tom Harkin , one of the state 's representatives in the Senate , and so there had been a minimal amount of campaigning .
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