Example sentences of "[noun pl] it is [art] " in BNC.

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1 To my jaded ears it is a stupendous musical achievement .
2 In herbivores it is the larvated egg which is passed out in the faeces but in other animals it is the hatched L1 .
3 For such organizations it is a matter of balancing the demands for their services against the limited resources available .
4 During the passage of gravitational waves it is the structure of space–time itself which oscillates .
5 Even to twentieth century eyes it is a symbol of power ( 557 ) .
6 In my eyes it is a contract but do we need to make this change ?
7 Seen by romantic eyes it is the epitome of the nobility of nature , but what is the truth of the situation ?
8 The next time I open my eyes it is the following day .
9 If we are above government guidelines it is the labour party 's fault and if indeed we are penalised in the future it is the labour party 's fault , none other and to the extent that you run the risk now by having this excess eleven percent budget over the er standing expenditure assessment er will once again unfortunately find you guilty in that regard .
10 Of all the styles it is the most laborious and there are few professionals able or willing to continue the tradition .
11 In the mid-range , its key products are derivative , coming from its ICL Plc affiliate and Sun Microsystems Inc , while in personal computers it is an also-ran in Japan , not visible in the US , and only a significant player in Europe by proxy via ICL .
12 In other words it is a selfish conception and it is based on the individual 's own experience .
13 In other words it is a self-protection racket at which the American legal profession conspires .
14 This consists , basically , of , in other words it is a linear long-chain molecule much like Figure 7 .
15 In other words it is a part of the larger and even more complex issue of the relevance of current cost accounting .
16 In other words it is the product of a misguided training which has caused a fear of a course of action which has not been outlawed by society .
17 In other words it is the development of literate modes of communication that provides the basis for making a distinction between two kinds of society , and those modes themselves have determining effects : if some societies are more ‘ scientific ’ and ‘ logical ’ than others , it is not on account of the nature of their thought processes but because their acquisition of literacy has released these capacities .
18 In other words it is the work done by taking a unit charge round a circuit .
19 In other words it is the willingness of people to follow that makes a person a leader ’ ( Koontz , O'Donnell , Weihrich ) .
20 They were often components of reefs , and in some environments it is the algae that bear the full brunt of the attack by the breakers on the exposed , seaward side of the reef .
21 Given the delicate access positions at other sandstone crags it is an inept and unhelpful piece of privateering .
22 In some respects it is a misnomer .
23 Another drawback is that while in most respects it is a well finished program it is not as eager to show off its own advantages as say Lotus Freelance for Windows which has a very slick presentation which serves as an introduction to the program .
24 In many respects it is an excellent sequel to Flow injection analysis by the same authors and , like its forerunner , it covers an impressive range of applications supported by a generous number of drawings and diagrams .
25 In some respects it is an initiative influenced by the experience of the Plebs League and the NCLC , discussed in previous chapters .
26 At three months it is the weakest of the womb , that is li that is for everyone , if anybody 's got a weak inside well they 's lose it , they 's be liable to lose it more than anybody else with out taking anything .
27 In the Western area , half are needed for a quorum ; in other areas it is a third .
28 If ( admittedly , in some companies it is a big ‘ if ’ ) your employer is genuinely concerned to make sure you have a fair deal , it is quite possible that the original decision will be reversed , or at least modified , upon appeal .
29 If it curves in positive and negative directions it is a compound curve .
30 The nests of social insects are run almost entirely by smell , because in these dense communities it is the most efficient way of sending messages .
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