Example sentences of "[noun pl] in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So , if we are grooming a horse and it tries to cow-kick us , we retaliate with a sharp verbal reproach or a smack with the flat of the hand , and usually the horse decides to accept that we are the boss and minds its manners in the future .
2 One correspondent , seeking to explain the motives behind the attack on the meeting-houses in the west midlands in the summer of 1715 , informed Staffordshire MP , William Ward , that the rioters have got a Notion , that the Ministry and Dissenters have ruined Trade , on Purpose to make the Nation out of Love with the late Peace , and Peace-makers ; and because the Ministry , and secret Committee , and their Friends , will not let the Country have Peace and Trade , they resolve ( if they can hinder it ) the Dissenters shall not have a quiet Toleration .
3 From him , I heard of leys for the first time , and learned that he had found alignments of tree clumps in the countryside around his home .
4 A spokesman said the majority of thefts took place in the West End but there were also a series of car break-ins in the Parkside area .
5 Detectives in Hartlepool are urging householders to secure their garden sheds after a spate of break-ins in the Seaton Carew and Rift House areas .
6 There had been car break-ins in the area but there was nothing to connect Wolfenden with them .
7 Police at Antrim Road RUC station said there had been an increasing number of break-ins in the Oldpark and Cliftonville districts .
8 This is one way of reducing the risks in the scheme .
9 Risks in the home
10 But while most of us are fiercely protective when we shepherd young children across the road , we ignore many of the risks in the home .
11 Firstly , in addition to looking for a general description of the information available in the films , this study was concerned particularly with information which is related to risks and potential risks in the scenes .
12 That it is a weapon with which practitioners can fight for improvements in standards , and the elimination of risks in the interests of their patients .
13 Mathematical modelling and epidemiological studies may help quantify risks in the meantime .
14 The two main city obstetric units in Leicestershire possibly care for women with differing risk profiles , so that the excess risks in one population are offset by different excess risks in the other .
15 In the early part of the nineteenth century employees were assumed to consent to the risks in the work that they did .
16 Thus although the rating tasks performed in this study are not uncorrelated with the risk and accident estimates previously obtained for the stimuli from Study 2 there is no reason to assume that subjects were unnaturally concentrating on risks in the way they may have been for Studies 1 and 2 .
17 Both men took , grave risks in the roles they adopted and could well have been attacked had their disguises been broken by the people they lived with .
18 This may be through universal services which reduce social and economic risks in the community , or specific services aiming to improve the circumstances of vulnerable individuals and families .
19 Making risk assessments while they were driving may have caused drivers to think about risks in the situations to a greater extent than they would have in the course of normal driving .
20 Risks in the ring
21 Initially stimuli are compared in terms of the total numbers of descriptions and potential risks in the protocols .
22 The follow up for morbidity of gastric cancer shows increased risks in the years after starting cimetidine treatment .
23 Thus ministers no longer feel that the doctrine exposes them to special risks in the House but , by confining all the advice of the departments to ministers , it does ensure that they are so much better informed and briefed than their critics .
24 But what about the state of the visual arts in the home of David Cox and Edward Burne-Jones ?
25 Radio 3 invites you to join the Network 's Controller , JOHN DRUMMOND and NATALIE WHEEN , music journalist and broadcaster in the Arts Council Gallery to discuss all aspects of the arts in the UK today .
26 Rembrandt pastels are certified by the Art and crafts Materials Institute , which is the main watchdog for safety in the arts in the US .
27 Rembrandt pastels are certified by the Art and crafts Materials Institute , which is the main watchdog for safety in the arts in the US .
28 I 'm going to tell you a little bit this morning about South East Arts and it 's support for the visual arts in the South East here .
29 , the largest comprehensive museum of science and arts in the country , has important departments in art and archaeology , natural history , geology and technology .
30 The National Endowment for the Arts in the United States has been under heavy fire for its choices , as is usual for Ministries , whether in nineteenth-century France or the present-day USSR .
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