Example sentences of "[noun pl] in that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ A workman , who had been injured through the breaking of a defective part in the machine with which he was working , brought an action of damages against his employers , and later convened as second defenders the manufacturers of the machine , who had supplied it to his employers , on averments to the effect that the accident had been caused by the fault of the manufacturers in that they failed to supply his employers with a machine which was safe for use by their servants .
2 Man , however , differs categorically from all other animals in that he is a partaker of a quality of life which is intimately related to , but independent of his physical body .
3 Diesel cars have many advantages over petrol driven cars in that they use less fuel , have a longer working life , and are more reliable and cheaper to maintain .
4 Furthermore they behave like words in that they are always used together in appropriate contexts and they appear to be represented as words in the mental lexicon ( Wilson , 1984 ) .
5 Hooligans have something in common with nutters in that they both provide the group with a good deal of entertainment .
6 ‘ I can ask no more then ; but I can add one more thing : My heartfelt thanks in that you 're free , if not actually from the house , then from its clutch of women . ’
7 There is a particular problem associated with some designs in that they are activated simply by the sound of barking .
8 Merrows differ from other sea-fairies in that they wear red feathered caps to swim underwater .
9 What is also worth exploring to promote discussion is ways in which dividends have been dealt with by the directors in that they continue to be paid despite the non-availability – profits .
10 In the Mediterranean , where many such frugivores overwinter , bird fruits tend not to ripen until winter , and show some of the attributes of tropical specialized fruits in that they are drier and more nutritious than northern fruits and can provide a complete diet for the birds .
11 By and large , planners were associated with incomers in that they wished to control the way things were done , viz to impose rules where there were none before and to replace the old social norms by fiat instead of the usual agreement between households .
12 There were even advantages in that he might be able to ‘ manage ’ the affair better from the inside .
13 The Awards differ from personal honours in that they are given to a " unit " as a whole — management and employees working as a team .
14 What all the theories have in common is the fundamental assumption that criminals are different from non-criminals in that they have a more or less enduring disposition towards the commission of crime and that this disposition is explicable in terms of ‘ causes ’ .
15 Of course , such decisions are medical matters in that they arise in the context of the professional relationship of doctor and patient , and they are for doctors to make in that the doctor is the professional ‘ on the spot ’ caring for the patient .
16 Investment trusts are similar to unit trusts in that they allow persons and companies to obtain a share in a diversified portfolio of assets and have a specialist fund manager to control the portfolio , but are fundamentally different from unit trusts in other ways .
17 Some of these parents may also wish , through adoption , to protect children against the social order , but they are ‘ real ’ parents in that they are prepared to go beyond their own concerns and hold the child 's interests as their priority .
18 We are on familiar ground , since this idealism is none other than his deeper — sometimes he called it deepest , sometimes highest — realism ; but with new implications in that he is beginning to show a sensitiveness to the actual which no doubt existed before but was rarely evident , a sensitiveness which is now coming out like a bruise .
19 It is always the most convenient for my guests in that they do not have to drive in the dark , and they can have a much more leisurely lunch , without worrying about the time , as they would in the evening over dinner .
20 Solids distinguish themselves from liquids and gases in that they have fixed shapes and fixed volumes .
21 Procedures and functions are similar to subroutines in that they are " bits " of program which perform a discrete function .
22 This is different from Owen 's other poems in that they are more dramatic and gruesome , with descriptions of warfare and death .
23 This does have some advantages for small retailers in that they can return unsold stock , but the retailer loses flexibility where they are required to maintain the prices recommended by manufacturers .
24 The budget package was consistent with those of recent years in that it was based on some fairly optimistic projections concerning the future development of the economy .
25 But note that Ratner differs from other exploiters of the Thatcher Years in that he stuck to his last .
26 Such accords are all-important to Soviet officials in that they offer a clear indication of Latin American interest in trading with the USSR , act as the official sanction which enables the Soviet trade bureaucracy to move into action , and facilitate the organisation involved in the completion of transactions .
27 Man is unique among the apes in that he grows a long beard , and it is to this that he owes his superior intelligence
28 For example : bed , patient , ward , nurse , are all concepts in that they refer to classes of things , not single instances .
29 But the stencilled letters and numbers have yet another effect on the paintings in that they serve to stress their quality as objects .
30 Although Belfast has a much smaller and less socially and ethnically heterogeneous population than Philadelphia , the community studies resembled Labov 's neighbourhood studies in that they were designed to give broad coverage of major geographical , status and ethnic divisions in the city .
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