Example sentences of "[noun pl] in [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 Dr Runcie described his visit to survivors in hospital the following day .
2 The thin little cat , her repast spread on a newspaper in the corner , dug her sharp white teeth into the cod 's head , closing her eyes in bliss the while .
3 A few supermarkets and food shops were open , most with long queues of customers waiting in the intense heat , hoping to stock up on food and other necessities in case the paralysis of the city 's life continues .
4 I shall have to stay near open areas in case the engine fails .
5 I shall have to stay near open areas in case the engine fails .
6 The essence of the fraud is the offer of cheap finance : brokers all over the country are now offering companies in need the chance to borrow at 8.75 p.c .
7 Generally in rational expectations models in macroeconomics the policy rule generating the prediction for a variable comprises an equation whose determining variables typically comprise both lagged endogenous variables ( e.g. values of and lagged exogenous variables ( e.g. ) .
8 With all these elements in mind the best thing that a designer can do is tell you to cast off the stitches and leave the method to you .
9 MOUNTAINS IN FOCUS the Czechoslovak Tatras
10 SHY tax inspector Felix will miss out on £50,000 this month — because he 's scared to make public appearances in case the bosses at his day job recognise him .
11 Why do the Government believe that for people on low incomes in employment the social security system , especially through family credit , has a vital role to play , yet for people on low incomes in education the social security system , through housing benefit , plays no role ?
12 Why do the Government believe that for people on low incomes in employment the social security system , especially through family credit , has a vital role to play , yet for people on low incomes in education the social security system , through housing benefit , plays no role ?
13 Apart from the traffic implications in grid-locking the roads of Caerphilly , up Manor way , it might even have had repercussions for the hon. Gentleman 's constituents .
14 After over 300 days in space the cosmonaut Sergei Krikalyov returned safely to earth from the Mir space station on March 25 , his return having been delayed since December .
15 And taking enough food to last for several days in case the boat was held up by gales .
16 When he was released in September 1991 after 865 days in captivity the couple moved to Cyprus to begin a new life together .
17 Days in advance the bogs had been walked and snipe shot for that famed Snipe Pudding of Mrs Geary 's — a pudding more gently extraordinary than any game pie .
18 ( 2 ) As a consequence of these defects in treatment the plaintiff was born with those disabilities .
19 The police , for example , might worry about consulting too closely with social workers in case the validity of the evidence they gained might be threatened .
20 AFTER perusing the ghosts in bed the other night ( see above ) it seemed equally appropriate to mull over the National Bed Federation findings about what people do in bed .
21 Not everyone wants to teach , and with the very rapid advances in treatment the ward sister may sometimes have an uneasy feeling that the student is more up-to-date than she herself .
22 The theology of liberation first developed in the 1960s as a Christian Socialist philosophy which holds that it is the duty of the Catholic Church to work for social and economic reforms , particularly in the Third World , and to adopt the cause of the oppressed , These positions were approved at a meeting of Latin American bishops in Medellin , Columbia , in 1968 and represented a watershed for the church in Latin America , The Medellin documents openly denounced the poverty and brutality of the relations of production in Latin America : withdrawing support from the classes in power the bishops called , most significantly , for agrarian reforms , The documents proposed programmes , based on the method of Paulo Freire 's " education for liberation " , which were designed to promote a new sense of community action for change among the poor .
23 Large firms attempted to expand production levels but tried to avoid incurring heavy fixed-cost burdens on their own plants in case the boom was only temporary .
24 So civil servants have to establish that negotiations with outside bodies will be in secret , or else they will not be able to explain and consider alternatives in case the arguments they deploy in favour of an option , not eventually chosen , may later be quoted against their minister .
25 Furthermore , now that solicitors are strongly recommended to provide information about costs in advance the Society will carry out a review of whether clients should continue to have the right to ask the Society to reduce a solicitor ; s bill by the remuneration certificate process .
26 After 14 years in office the state 's Republican governor , Mr Jim Thompson , is standing down .
27 For their first two years in office the government acted very cautiously on social issues .
28 During his four years in office the Association 'S branches numbered more than one hundred for the first time , and he was constantly visiting them and planning new ones .
29 However , as Celtic gradually got to grips in midfield the service to Kiwomya dried up .
30 All Liskeard women and children were to be sent to the moors in case the French again threatened to invade .
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