Example sentences of "[noun pl] have been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The economic effect of the invasion on ordinary Panamanians has been disastrous .
2 In the areas most closely concerned with the inner city , opposition from local authorities has been crucial .
3 Controlling current spending by local authorities has been central government 's major headache ever since it decided in 1961 that local government expenditure was part of public expenditure and therefore should be controlled by the Treasury .
4 The traditional public finance approach to intergovernmental grants ( or grants-in-aid ) which flow from central ( or federal ) government to local ( or state ) authorities has been concerned with the question of what form the grant should take .
5 The application of Environmental Assessment ( EA ) to coastal zone projects has been poor , especially under the Government View procedure for dredging licences and under Private and Hybrid Bill Parliamentary Procedures .
6 None of these requests has been successful .
7 An attempt by GAMTA to persuade the CAA to allow commercial pilots aged over sixty years to make single-pilot public transport flights for pleasure flying and also to undertake aerial work operations has been unsuccessful so far , the Association reports in the British General Aviation Bulletin .
8 The approach of the police to the investigation of rape cases has been subject to much criticism — and then to considerable improvement — and it seems quite possible that these improvements , together with the advent of rape-crisis centres and victim-support facilities , have led more women to report rapes than did so formerly .
9 He said : ‘ What 's happened in the last 24 hours has been unbelievable .
10 Enrolment during the second year of operation of the new programmes has been encouraging , with 721 students enrolling on the Certificate and 144 on the Diploma courses .
11 Past experience of implementing soil conservation programmes has been disappointing and the paper tries to identify the more important reasons .
12 But the studio 's recent record of new releases has been dismal .
13 Simply noting how often node names occur and looking for repeating patterns has been useful .
14 Since the standard housing of towns and cities has been unable to provide shelter , urban populations have been compelled to take the situation into their own hands and put up their own homes .
15 Response from the beauty houses has been twofold .
16 A comprehensive account of the function and characteristic features of traditional barns follows , because it is apparent from even a brief tour of any rural district that the treatment meted out to many old barns in the course of their conversion into houses has been insensitive , or even atrocious , and even these enormities have occurred despite their owners ' clearly expressed intentions to preserve , rather than erase , the ‘ barn-like ’ qualities of the buildings .
17 In a number of countries for some years , the wearing of crash helmets by motor cyclists has been obligatory .
18 The effect on wading birds has been dramatic , with numbers of lapwing , curlew , redshank , godwit and snipe falling dramatically over the past 10 years alone .
19 The initial reaction by the banking community to the CMI Rules has been skeptical .
20 This marketing approach to products has been beneficial for the consumer because it determines what a company will sell based on what the consumer wants , or the market place is ready to discover and buy , rather than on hope and guesswork .
21 The effect on the indigenous peoples has been debilitating in that their loss of faith in , for example , indigenous medicine has been combined with a realization of the ineffectiveness of western medicine in treating psychosomatic illness .
22 Indeed it seems to me that the contribution to date of the voluntary sector to service provision in most sectors has been marginal and peripheral .
23 Added to that have been the cuts in funding ; the attack on the ‘ book health ’ of schools has been considerable .
24 Over the past 15 years Allied Colloids has been able to achieve compound annual growth rates of over 20pc .
25 Generally progress in loving people into community care settings has been slow , slower than anticipated I think there are good and bad reasons for that .
26 Or attempt to explore with a Central European Jew the precise nature of the ties that he or she feels with a culture which down the centuries has been responsible for so much persecution and pain .
27 The impact of these rises on the banks ' cost of funds has been sobering .
28 It is probably fair to say that communication has sometimes been more effective at very local level where local sharing of concerns over mutual clients has been possible where inter-agency relationships are good .
29 Here , the history of the various disputes has been important .
30 The design process has been unnecessarily slow on many projects because the exchange of information between designers has been ineffective .
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