Example sentences of "[noun pl] have go [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One of each of the 23 pairs has gone to one of the resulting sperm or ova and one to the other .
2 The exploitation of land and animals has gone on far too long — after fifty years of experimentation , let's move on to better things .
3 Over the last two centuries , the relationship between the press and the political parties has gone through many changes .
4 They believed that peoples had to go from one stage to another with mechanical regularity and in predictable order .
5 When it was over , the top of his head ached where it had been crammed up against the headboard and there were red marks just below his knees where his legs had gone over the footboard .
6 His sisters had curtsied to the vicar ; his brothers had gone to war in 1914 , and one of them had died at Vimy Ridge ; his father had been a farm bailiff and died in 1911 after being bitten by a horse ( misnamed Lucky ) .
7 Given this topic framework , J is constrained from talking about these things unless he introduces into the topic framework some additional information which he could then treat as shared by his hearer-that one of his brothers had gone to Australia to train as a brain surgeon and he considered doing the same , but settled for bricklaying instead .
8 These offers were meant to demonstrate that the two younger brothers had gone to the very limit of reasonable concessions , and hence would bear no guilt for the casualties of battle .
9 When we were out for lunch a few weeks ago , Alan asked where I was brought up and I said popped out on stalks two brothers had gone to school at .
10 ‘ Except it was closed for Christmas and the animals had gone on their holidays . ’
11 If only there is a way — ’ And stopped , because Nuadu 's eyes had gone to the silver door .
12 His eyes had gone to positive slits by now .
13 His eyes had gone from sapphire to a blue so dark it was almost black .
14 The clergy had to go to these rather dreadful places , but it was a pity
15 Then of course , then when they the kids went up , did n't know where they were going , and the parents did n't know but they found new found freedom because all the bloody kids had gone to the countryside
16 Poor old Steven : he was n't to know that , while he had been busy trying to make grown-up movies , the trendiest kids had gone off Michael Jackson and the Ninja Turtles and transferred their allegiance to metal-headed dipsticks such as Bill and Ted , or Wayne and Garth from Wayne 's World , the year 's hotsiest hit-flick ( which comes down your way in May ) .
17 That little girl had to struggle on because the flat rent had to be paid , she had to struggle on because she had a car , kids had to go to school , until she died .
18 Early down-town theatres could rely on the casual trade , the ‘ droppers-in ’ , but small-town and suburban halls had to go after their trade and it was essential that managers acquaint the whole community with what was on offer .
19 Their neighbours in the farm beyond were also raided that morning , and to get to that farm the police cars had to go past Mrs B 's front door .
20 But soon Owen 's erstwhile disciple T. H. Huxley began to question the dinosaurs ' relationships to lizards ; he saw the closeness of birds to some reptiles , and inferred that at least some dinosaurs had gone on two legs rather than four , the Iguanodon among them .
21 Many royalists had gone into exile in the colonies , especially Virginia , and the new government could not expect its orders to be obeyed on the other side of the Atlantic .
22 Three months had gone in establishing his pseudo-self as a friendless , cowardly drunk .
23 But this was untrue , for Minch had become quieter and more peaceful as the months had gone by , staring out over the Zoo with a mysterious tranquillity , as if she had found some contentment that eluded the others .
24 The months had gone by and suddenly , the roof had fallen in .
25 The feel of Chris 's body in his arms and the taste of her lips had gone to his head more powerfully than any wine .
26 So you wish a dozen anti-Fascists had gone to the hospital , do you ? ’
27 The brakes had gone at the same corner where he rolled last year .
28 ‘ Cynics say — cynics have already said — when your preaching is done , when your lofty words have gone with the wind , when the media has departed to tell another tale , the world will forget .
29 Since the tournament began , first in Delray Beach in 1985 and then for a couple of years in Boca Raton , the temporary , scaffolding-supported stands have gone with them .
30 All the Smarties have gone from the plates which now have small pink morsels on .
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