Example sentences of "[noun pl] have [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As the focus of the Bretton Woods institutions has moved across the Atlantic to central Europe deep-seated fears have arisen that time , resources and energy will be diverted from the economies of the southern hemisphere .
2 The emphasis in child care practice on families before institutions has contributed to a definition of the aims and the means of helping young people which accentuates personal , family relationships .
3 Pressure of numbers impinges on every facet of the prison system , and in some institutions has resulted in overcrowded conditions that would not have been tolerated a century earlier .
4 These various new proposals have now been put into effect and a Committee for Institutions has come into being .
5 People know there is no tourism policy , and the number of personnel has doubled over the last years , but are we getting better services ?
6 Even in the Coordinating Team , the development of such skills has tended to be accepted as self-evidently a good thing rather than debated or interpreted in a systematic way .
7 Between 1985 and 1990 , however , the number of people aged over 85 supported in residential care by local authorities has declined at a slower rate than that for all people aged 65+ .
8 Contracting out by local authorities has increased under the Conservative government — partly voluntarily and partly as a response to changes in the law requiring them to do so for certain activities .
9 During this period the number of book issues sampled from library authorities has grown from 3m to 10.6m .
10 Boesky 's cooperation with the regulatory authorities has resulted in a number of other SEC investigations .
11 This aspect of the work has been phased out over the last few years as the UK content in most projects has risen to more than 70 per cent , leaving OSO to concentrate on its other roles in encouraging research and development into new offshore technology and using UK expertise to gain export orders on the back of North Sea achievements .
12 Visits from archivists and librarians to study the holdings of local maps has led to useful contacts as well as to the provision of further photocopies to the local archive and library services .
13 ‘ Preoccupation with Cd values has led to the boring shapes we have become all too familiar with . ’
14 In recent years a growing sophistication in tachistoscopic half-field investigations has derived from a conceptual and methodological framework known as information processing theory .
15 Provenance work on the turbidite sandstones has indicated at least two sources for heavy minerals .
16 Mr Fred Pritchard a member of a firm of fruit merchants has written to the Council suggesting that members of the trade petition the Watch Committee to consider Thom 's position with a full knowledge of the facts .
17 The increased importance of standardised informational support for both machines and operators has led to the concept of procedures as a separate design issue within a system ( Fig. 1.30 ) .
18 But the rise of chains has resulted in booksellers playing a much more active part in the promotion of books , inviting publishers to contribute to the costs of catalogues , books of the month and generic campaigns , and taking a lead , too , in organising author events .
19 Nor should the ecological impacts of these measures be forgotten , for the unsealing of asphalt surfaces has lead to increases in area of trees , shrubs and plants .
20 Since the introduction of a differential fee , however , the number of visits in Berkshire undertaken by deputies has dropped by more than half , yet overall numbers have risen steeply .
21 It will question NAB 's assertion that the value of the brewery operations has fallen to such a level that asset-backed loans are in jeopardy .
22 The emphasis on fast food operations has brought into play appliances which concentrate extremely high temperatures on raw products containing fats and other volatile substances .
23 technology to further improve the efficiency of Johnson Mattheys secondary precious metal refining operations has continued throughout the year .
24 But intake of other green vegetables has increased from 0.19oz to 0.50oz per week .
25 ‘ The van I used to use to transport my bikes has come to the end of its day , and Bill Doig has very kindly offered me the use of the station van if it is not required for company duties . ’
26 The House of Lords in two subsequent cases has retreated from the position it adopted in the original litigation , by making plain that the Government must prove some damage to the national interest and that no such damage can be established where the information has already been placed in the public domain by being published abroad .
27 The application of the Treaty provisions to actual cases has led to the development of the following principles : Exhaustion of rights : where the right owner has put articles into circulation ( directly or with his consent ) he can not subsequently use his rights to prevent further dealings in respect of those articles .
28 This experience is reflected across the county where the number of criminal cases has fallen by ten percent in the last three years .
29 In England , the reluctance of the police to take action in domestic violence cases has contributed to a situation in which women do not generally invoke the criminal process in such circumstances .
30 Legal intervention in truancy cases has focused on the notion of parental responsibility .
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