Example sentences of "[noun pl] have [adv] got " in BNC.

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1 But that 's what , but The Sunday Times has always got a world news section at the back in it .
2 schools have still got to be covered .
3 offices as well , but erm , and I know she 's half time and some offices have only got a quarter , but as I say , she 's the busiest person I know and , and she 's
4 We have to add value to what the clients have already got .
5 Political parties have somehow got it into their heads that voters want to agree with them , so put up policies with which voters will agree .
6 The first and most obvious reason is that the public differences between the major parties have indeed got less : there seems little point in attacking on areas of large agreement .
7 But the porters have also got the problem that they do n't want to let just anyone
8 I ca n't remember when I have n't had to work on Christmas Day became the animals have never got round to recognizing it as a holiday ; but with the passage of the years the vague resentment I used to feel has been replaced by philosophical acceptance .
9 I mean we we , we 've got taco shells , but I find that the taco shells have kinda got a wee funny taste to them .
10 Well of course dictaphones have always got records on them , that 's why they 're called dictaphones .
11 There are plenty of ‘ success stories ’ where governments have not intervened , or where it has not even been acknowledged that farmers and pastoralists have quietly got on with the business of conservation for themselves , and frequently provided sustainable surpluses for the market as well .
12 I I 'm er ah I like to think that the youngsters have actually got some input into the report , I think it 's important
13 Younger children in particular , before the insidious and evil influence of society and their parents have properly got to them , are sexlessly open and hence perfectly likeable .
14 Hello , Well the chaps have finally got an away win .
15 erm Because the loggers have been , as I said earlier , logging 24 hours around the clock , and they 're supposed to be logging over a 70 year cycle , and they 're not because the companies have only got three year licenses , and basically the indigenous people have just had enough , so they started to block the logging roads .
16 The most critical one in some ways is a change in the structure of our lower jaw , so instead of having a lot of bones in our lower jaw we have just a single bone in our lower jaw , the dentory , which articulates with a bone called the scremosal , whereas in reptiles the quadrate and articular for the articulation and those bones have now got stuck into our inner ear and do some stuff about conducting sound impulses .
17 THE MOCK TURTLES have actually got a hit record .
18 DIRECTORS have finally got the message about bumper pay awards , the Institute of Directors reports .
19 Negotiations were conducted in great secrecy when the manuscripts had already got as far as the freeport in Zurich and were being examined by two well backed dealers and by representatives of the Getty Museum .
20 Boats have since got more powerful .
21 ‘ Licensed retailers have now got the kind of security they have long desired and the chance to take their own business into their own hands and reap the rewards , by being able to play to their strengths and provide what their customers want .
22 If it came to a straight choice between a dolphin and Henry ( and in Henry 's view things had already got that serious ) he would go for Henry every time .
23 If those teams have also got players in the international set up they suffer . ’
24 My favourites have definitely got to be those which flower early in January and February .
25 Those who have recommended a change in the law to require the installation of smoke detectors have now got their wish .
26 flying high in California is hanglider Pete Harvey from Milton Keynes … the world championships have just got underway and Pete is leading the British challenge … last time out the team won gold …
27 The moral dilemma which contorts Bill Clinton 's face as he confronts his accusers has also got a hold on every Democratic candidate or would-be candidate of his generation .
28 Ludens had never got on so easily with a woman , not even with Sylvia , who had always been ‘ playing the feminine ’ .
29 It 's quite big , so me and my two sisters have all got our own rooms .
30 Salieri had never got on with Leopold II , and in 1790 he had been released from most of his court obligations , remaining as a kind of honorary kapellmeister .
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