Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [noun] because " in BNC.

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1 1971 ) has made great progress as a geologist who used the wing cases of fossil beetles ( Coleoptera ) to indicate climatic characteristics of palaeoenvironments because coleoptera are very sensitive to changes in wetness and dryness .
2 He 's been in custody for two or three , three days , thirty six hours or something like that already , and not been able to see his family , and er got into all sorts of mess because of that Madam .
3 erm arguing and er they was going on about this because if Mrs went to a farm and then said that she saw some hens there that did n't look particularly fit erm and said they 'd got to be culled and if the farmer thought otherwise then we got into all sorts of tangles because we knew nothing about poultry .
4 The Council did not discuss the morality of methods of contraception because Pope Paul asked it to leave the matter to his own special commission .
5 The tawny owl does not usually produce large concentrations of pellets because of its habit of using different trees each day for roosting , and so all of these samples are either from scattered locations or were collected over considerable periods of time .
6 It is necessary to look for concentrations of finds because a handful of finds could have got onto the land in any number of ways and is not necessarily an indication of the presence of a nearby archaeological site .
7 So for example in a region of high productivity you may find very low concentrations of carbonate because it 's been stripped out and converted to skeletal material being used in photosynthesis .
8 Thus , concentrations of zinc and copper may not correlate with concentrations of protons because the pH could have two opposing effects — it could facilitate the transfer of zinc and copper into gastric juice at a high pH but then only release them from mucus at low pH .
9 It rests at an angle , it rests on the er ladders of course because they are ang er the ladders are at an angle like that so part of the weight 's taken by the actual ladders .
10 The opinion gained ground — an opinion with which Eric Ashby would evidently have had some sympathy — that the employment of a full-time tutor for the county , whether by the WEA or by the University Extra-Mural Board , placed constraints on branches ' freedom to choose subjects of study because of pressure to find a viable programme for the full-timer to teach .
11 North-West TUC spokesman Mike Graham said : ‘ We will be seeking the support of the European Parliament against the importers of coal because of the risk to the local environment . ’
12 There is a danger of assuming that the Japanese have not rejected the contemporary institutions of collectivism because they are accepted as ideal .
13 I try to present them as ribbons of metal because that creates the illusion of movement and I can put them in an off balance position .
14 In fact , the proposals for community care received very little media attention throughout the bill 's passage through the Houses of Parliament because other parts of the bill , those which proposed a new organizational structure for the general hospital and community services , represented the most fundamental change to the NHS since its inception in 1948 and therefore deflected attention away from the community care proposals .
15 There are times when we want to target specific individual or groups of parents because of minor problems which the school is encountering such as persistent lateness , regular late arrival of dinner money , unreturned reading books or even irregular attendance .
16 The notion of ‘ adaptability ’ was always attractive to various groups of reformers because it appeared to promise so much .
17 Welsh Water has dragged many old-age pensioners and under-privileged people through the courts of Wales because they have fallen down on the odd instalment on their water charges .
18 Some people show signs of confusion because of the shock of bereavement .
19 I mean she had a picture of him on the headstone and oh , thought she went over the top I 'm afraid and she get loads of support because then that Clifford was very popular and er his was
20 He 's now running lorry loads of worn tyres to Russia , to the Soviet Union and makes money loads of money because the tyres , they could n't ha get any tyres so the tyres he saw there were totally without profile .
21 One reason is that women , particularly in the Third World , are often not aware of the real dangers of contraception because health staff and pharmaceutical companies keep them in ignorance for fear of making them stay away from the clinic .
22 These votes came after a long and stormy debate ; some deputies warned of the dangers of dictatorship because the proposed new presidency lacked an adequate system of checks and balances by the legislature , and argued that a switch to presidential rule was premature .
23 He was beginning to see that his concept of Art with a capital A was European , based on a classical tradition that was never going to expand to meet the challenge of the new generations of painters because it was defined by its time .
24 But they were still the scholarship girls , objects of envy because they were not ordinary , objects of pity because they were poor , their accomplishments scarcely the point .
25 But they were still the scholarship girls , objects of envy because they were not ordinary , objects of pity because they were poor , their accomplishments scarcely the point .
26 We started gambling with scraps of papers because we had n't any real money and matchsticks were forbidden .
27 Do you want to know why I 'm wearing two pairs of knickers because
28 British political scientists , for their part , dissolve the distinction between law and other rules of behaviour because they are not much interested in law : for them , the constitution is practice .
29 So users could avoid contacting their GP during such times of crisis because these drugs were easily obtainable .
30 Known as ‘ le riche ’ , Frank Haviland was the envy of the artists of Montparnasse because of his comfortable life , the luxurious meals he ate , the smart clothes he wore , the paintings and Negro sculptures he could afford to buy .
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