Example sentences of "[noun pl] be seen as " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , library skills are seen as part of a group of several related skills , suggesting that library skills should not be taught in isolation from study skills , learning skills and communication skills .
2 Child care policies are seen as part of a structure of political and economic relations in which dominant groups control subordinate and , in particular , deviant groups by a range of sanctions .
3 Cyclones are seen as a force that prevents the ecological succession of coral reefs from terminating in less species-rich assemblages ( in those reefs , the earlier stages are more species-rich ) .
4 The proposals are seen as a pet project of the right wing of the Conservative Party and Conservative students ' groups .
5 The new plans are seen as further evidence in support of the belief that intensively-farmed lowlands are likely to continue to produce unwanted agricultural surpluses .
6 At the grassroots , health initiatives and programmes are seen as ways to strengthen organizations rather than reasons for building them .
7 Linguists may be found working in a range of national and international organizations where foreign language skills and knowledge of other cultures are seen as a good foundation for a career .
8 Organizations are seen as rational instruments for realizing explicit goals , with different parts that can be modified so as to increase efficiency ( Gouldner 1959 ) .
9 The first example is the government 's emphasis on private investment in its inner city programmes in which private funds are seen as a preferred alternative to public finance .
10 Jews are seen as a powerful threat to the nation : ‘ The presence of a large and powerful Jewish community in any country , such as we have in Britain today , is , and inherently must always be , a threat to the aspirations and best national interests of the host population . ’
11 Whereas people once felt that there must be a certain desperation in answering magazine ‘ lonely heart ’ advertisements or in going along to a dating bureau , nowadays these channels are seen as a practical way of finding a new friend or suitable lover .
12 Positive efforts need to be made to ensure that the 11–16 schools are seen as partners and not as inferior to the 11–18 school .
13 Of course one needs to exercise some common sense about the number of objectives written for any one piece of teaching , but if teaching sessions are seen as part of a series for a given student then objectives can be written for the whole series .
14 Symmetry about the vertical exerts powerful effects on figure-ground segregation in normal observers ; other factors being equal , symmetrical shapes are seen as figures against asymmetrical grounds .
15 The proposed continuation schools were seen as a means whereby the newly-discovered young workers would be given a ‘ liberal ’ education , involving a version of civic ethics which emphasized both occupational adaptability and community service .
16 Labour party politicians came to view this examination and the consequent dichotomy between grammar and secondary modern schools as educationally questionable and socially divisive : those attending secondary modern schools were seen as " failures " and their subsequent job opportunities limited by virtue of their education .
17 After the War , I suppose , and in the Fifties , when schools were seen as places preparing young people for a very different world , different kinds of resources were put in .
18 With the US and European price war now boiling up in Japan , the picture for 1993 promises to alter significantly — and the availability of much cheaper personal computers is seen as a major opportunity for US software vendors .
19 Clustering of RISC computers is seen as a promising new area of activity and Hewlett-Packard Co and Convex Computer Corp are reportedly studying an expansion of their alliance to include the joint development of a clustered computing environment for HP 's Precision Architecture RISC workstations .
20 While profit used to be viewed as a sufficient objective in itself , creating benefits for stakeholders is seen as the ultimate objective .
21 Rather , because the public interest is taken to be the root of corporate legitimacy , compliance with whatever ‘ social responsibility ’ demands is seen as a pre-requisite , a defining condition , for the possession of power .
22 Centralization of authority within the parties was seen as the major obstacle to the implementation of their demands .
23 Low rents are seen as a form of bribery of the electorate .
24 Sport becomes relegated to the peripheries , whereas , for many black kids , it retains centrality — not because the other areas are seen as worse risks , but because they are seen as less accessible , they believe there are only a limited number of entrances to the upper reaches of the employment world .
25 Expressed in their paintings and sculpture and stories , these elements are seen as the successive thresholds , or levels of initiation , which the warrior of consciousness must broach on his path to enlightenment .
26 This contrasts with Derrida 's view of différance which cuts across the distinction between diachrony and synchrony by including a temporal as well as a spatial dimension : elements are seen as part of a chain of relationships which can not be de fined as either diachronic or synchronic and so can not be reduced to the status of an object in the way that synchronically defined structures can .
27 The Christmas visits are seen as part of the long recovery process after the accident .
28 The second part of the book , " Models and methods " , proposes a view of literary communication in which the sylistic properties of texts are seen as the result of a complex process of mediation between a variety of situational , social and cultural forces .
29 Both spoken and written texts are seen as sites where the tensions between " competing discourses " are realised .
30 Although the Conservatives are seen as the natural allies of nuclear power , the ordering of every commercial reactor in Britain up to the 1980s was carried out by a Labour administration .
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