Example sentences of "[noun pl] and when [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In healthcare settings and when giving first aid there are various routine hygiene precautions which should always be followed .
2 The marginal platforms appear to have prograded over the top of the mud aprons and when combined with the latter , form lenticular bodies of sediments ( Figs .
3 It is gold with vivid garnet eyes and when wound up runs around in circles .
4 They may have tried to defend themselves with cooking implements and when begging for mercy used prayers in welsh which may have sounded ‘ foreign ’ to the attackers .
5 This sometimes occurs in certain environments and when asked how this could be rectified he said it was not viable to work on a computer of that age and invest in a new one .
6 EGF can start liver DNA synthesis when infused into intact rats and when added to primary hepatocyte in cultures — these events are associated with EGF receptor phosphorylation and down regulation ; EGF given to partially hepatectomised rats is targeted in enhanced amounts to the nucleus — the site of meximum hepatic uptake corresponds to those areas of the liver where regeneration is most active ; partial hepatectomy results in substantial down regulation of the EGF receptor .
7 It is the responsibility of the staff to see that the reception area is immaculate at all times and when arriving on duty the shift should check the following :
8 Jane also pointed out that Pamela has the ideal figure for trousers and when shopping for skirts , she should choose straight styles that end just below or above the knee .
9 The pens come in a wide range of colours and when tested on the Knitleader sheet the markings were clear and washed off easily with some damp kitchen roll .
10 These facilities represent a total investment of £17 million within the last 2 years and when completed we will have invested £28 million .
11 The model told people what to look for both when doing psychophysical studies and when carrying out the direct measurements of receptor function all those years later .
12 Chief call an unmistakable far-carrying plangent ‘ quic-ic-ic ’ or wet-mi-lips ’ also a curious growling ‘ row-ow-ow ’ only audible at very close quarters and when flushed may call ‘ crwee-crwee ’ or ‘ crucc-crucc ’ .
13 But in inappropriate situations and when talking with someone who is quite guarded , over-disclosure may be interpreted as intrusive .
14 The parties produce manifestos and when elected in a majority seek to implement their policies .
15 The worry of a breakdown is always at the back of most riders ' minds and when travelling on the continent the wise take out special cover .
16 I use both tinted and white papers and when sketching carry a mixture of both .
17 It does the work of a whole set of saucepans and when used separately it gives you a SAUCEPAN , a CASSEROLE , a BAIN MARIE , a STEAMER , and a COLANDER .
18 These exercise their antimicrobial powers against a wide variety of different bacteria and when given for , say , a sore throat , will also kill off many of the normal commensal organisms in the intestine ( which is why a lot of people develop diarrhoea when taking antibiotics ) , and will also destroy the normal bacterial flora in the vagina .
19 For this reason , in gliders it is important to avoid watching the instruments during nose-down pitching manoeuvres such as stall recoveries and when recovering into normal flight following a cable break during a steep winch launch .
20 In the 1980s older workers experienced great insecurity both in terms of holding on to their jobs and when searching for new work if unemployed .
21 In addition to the 60 people now working at Regeneration House , the project is expected to create 1,800 construction jobs and when complete the station complex will provide 1,720 extra jobs .
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