Example sentences of "[noun pl] and have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 P. procumbens forms neat clumps and has scented flowers , while P. axillaris tends to develop into a small shrub .
2 But , as other African countries have discovered , African insurance companies were too small to carry major risks and had to lay them off with foreign re-insurers .
3 Moreover , it has a culture which is built on a history of defensive skirmishes and has generated a metaphorical language of warfare which looms large in all of its structures of significance .
4 But when he had leapt off his horse to approach it the chest had sprouted legs and had gone trotting off into the forest , stopping again a few hundred yards away .
5 These people are not ‘ different ’ — they are the same as you and I , except that they have lost the ability to use their legs and have to rely on a wheelchair to get about .
6 The Navigator ached almightily with cramps and had soiled himself .
7 Commitment to quality and customer service has allowed Johnson Matthey to forge key supplier relationships with many of the world 's leading semiconductor manufacturers and has led to steady growth in our market share .
8 The two main manufacturing units , based in Stoke-on-Trent , UK and Limoges , France , supply the world 's leading ceramic and glass manufacturers and have continued to enjoy growth in target markets in spite of the European recession .
9 ‘ The International Intellectual Property Alliance ( IIPA ) has targeted seven countries for particularly egregious abuses of US copyrights and has asked the new US Trade Representative , Mickey Kauber , to designate them as ‘ Priority Foreign Countries ’ under the Special 301 provisions of the trade act .
10 And other costs , such as readers and having to buy books because you ca n't borrow them for long enough from libraries to get them recorded or brailled , er those sorts of things really are n't taken account of and you 're simply going to have to borrow money er to pay for your disability in effect .
11 Unfortunately , one of the Sheriff 's impromptu posse had earlier been drinking with the brothers and had noticed George 's notorious mutilated thumb .
12 They replied that Edmund left no claim to his brothers and had wanted Cnut to support and protect his sons until they were old enough to rule , and they also swore that they wished to elect Cnut king , humbly obey him , and pay tribute to his army .
13 She had eight brothers and had had to fight or argue with every one of them at some time or another .
14 He thought that either the military were arresting all the leading dissidents and had cut his communication links with the outside world , or the rebels had succeeded in crippling the vidphone network .
15 Time and again those brought to trial reveal proper trades and had completed apprenticeships .
16 Today the contest is held within strict bounds and has become one of the most exotic spectacles in the Imperial calendar .
17 They are a first-rate journalists and have done outstanding work .
18 The Scottish National winner enjoys shorter trips and has made rapid improvement .
19 Resuming at the short fourth hole , he promptly took a double bogey five , leaving a bunker shot in the sand , and then following it with a six at the fifth , where he hooked into some bushes and had to go back to the tee .
20 By then , however , Moore had won 107 of his 108 caps and had passed , with Ramsey , into the realm of football legend .
21 During this period I have learnt a great deal about what children like [ and dislike ] at parties and have gathered together a selection of games , songs and magic tricks which I can guarantee will make any party a day to remember , for both children and adults .
22 Unlike most European countries where a close association between unions and political parties has been a longstanding phenomenon , US unions have little close and direct connection with political parties and have relied very heavily on collective bargaining rather than political activity as the means of achieving their ends .
23 Only in the republics of Central Asia and in Azerbaijan did communist parties , having changed their names to ‘ socialist ’ or ‘ national-democratic ’ parties and having supported the independence and sovereignty of their republics , retain their positions .
24 The Reich 's rearmament programme and the continued high level of subsidy to Danzig had caused a severe drain on German gold reserves and had upset the balance of payments .
25 Clive Smott ( 59 ) was formerly with Princess Eugene Road Garage Reserves and has agreed to come out of retirement and put on his boots for the first time in three years .
26 ‘ Ian Crook came out of Tottenham reserves and has shown what a quality player he is .
27 Donna ( 5.1 ) and Sharon ( 4.10 ) were playing with the All sorts and had made sets with them placing the sets in columns .
28 By 1978 Britain , under Labour , was still in the EEC , the government had an incomes policy of sorts and had curbed the growth of public expenditure , and private education remained .
29 Even with such constraints the systems still generated too many partial solutions and had to devise scoring methods and control strategies to prune the search space further .
30 Brewers have been aware of this issue for centuries and have developed the practice of adding ‘ copper ’ hops early in the boil to provide bitterness and ‘ aroma ’ or ‘ late ’ hops towards the end of the boil for flavour .
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