Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [vb base] no " in BNC.

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1 He felt something like battle-fatigue — a great desire to lie down on the ground with his hands over his ears and take no further part in the war .
2 They nest at higher densities and leave no room for non-breeding birds , which are displaced and forced to ‘ irrupt ’ to unfamiliar ground .
3 First , it ensures that you can still utilise the database without retrieving BLOBs and suffer no loss of speed in your application because of the presence of BLOBs within records .
4 Fund managers are intent on doing their best for their funds and have no interest whatsoever in the businesses they invest in or the people who are producing the profits .
5 We either treat as a corporation a group of persons — usually the governing body of the institution , though it may include individuals who are beneficiaries and have no share in the government ( for instance , the scholars of a college ) — or else the property of the institution must be vested in a number of individual trustees , who are bound to apply and deal with it for the purposes of the institution .
6 It could be frustrating to these job occupants to work in highly uncertain environments and have no power to change those environments .
7 Whilst the record companies sat on their hands , nervous of another quadraphonic-style fiasco , Karajan announced after seeing the new technology as a working prototype that he would make no new recordings and sign no new contracts with any company that was not committed to digital recording and the earliest possible launch of the compact disc .
8 The lysine analogues are antifibrinolytics that inhibit certain platelet functions and have no effects on the coagulation process ; they can not initiate or accelerate clot formation but will delay clot lysis .
9 The consequence of that is that we 've seen a continuation of road-building schemes which have caused considerable damage to the countryside , devastated communities and have no real hope of soaking up the so-called demand for new roads .
10 Until recently , it was considered safe and environmentally acceptable to dump household waste in the ground where , left to decay , it would break down into harmless by-products and cause no problems .
11 Close in to no more than twenty-five feet and fire no more than five rounds at a time .
12 Most of them have no shoes and have no idea where they are being led to in their journey several hundred miles across the semi-desert .
13 The rest of us find paracetamol an effective analgesic with no important side effects and have no need of an antidote .
14 We are going ahead with our projects and have no comment on what any other company says it does or does not own . ’
15 All the internal applications follow all the rules and use no " back door " techniques .
16 The same problem of interpretation arises from any use of manorial records , probably the best available documentary source ; these can tell us no more than the number of holdings which fell vacant on particular estates and throw no light on mortality among landless persons .
17 The first of these proposes that where partners or senior employees of a firm intend to join an audit client company , they should immediately inform their firm of their employment plans and take no part in the audit of their future employer , and that connections with the firm should be severed .
18 There are no comprehensive statistics in this area , but a CRE survey ( 1 ) concludes that the number of ethnic minority teachers the eight LEAs is very small , that they are on the lowest scales and have no career progression .
19 I said i can go out and walk the streets for hours and find no one .
20 But that wo n't be any consolation on Christmas morning when my kids empty their stockings and find no trace of the Tracys .
21 I wear long-sleeved pullovers and hope no one will notice that only the cuffs and collars of my shirts have been pressed .
22 People who normally work part-time and earn below the National Insurance earnings threshold pay no contributions and receive no contributory benefits .
23 Well you could never , you could never rely on shipment , cos one time you 'd get a lot of shipment and the next time you might be six weeks and get no shipment , so who 's gon na pay them their money ?
24 We further agreed that we would make no promises and twist no arms , and having decided on this general strategy , my friends urged me to leave the campaign to them .
25 The finished roof will now be weatherproof for many years and require no maintenance .
26 The trade winds have been moving the dunes south-west for thousands of years and show no sign of stopping , but unless they do , much of West Africa will be engulfed .
27 The books were , deservedly , enormously successful and stories in the genre have continued to be written down the years and show no sign of drying up .
28 These deal in simple concepts and require no artistic skills to operate and relatively little training or backup .
29 All fears are of the material world and we have to give some thought to them for the sake of our ambition and our dependants and our own physical well being , but they are not transcendent things and have no meaning there .
30 Virtually all carp anglers are using HNV baits ; therefore , they will be part of the carp 's natural diet on popular waters and require no familiarising phase .
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