Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [modal v] also " in BNC.

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1 This reference of Elijah would have been fully understood by Jewish readers and would also account for the crowd response at the end of the story :
2 This contains a software interface for personal computers and can also link to devices such as synthesisers or video recorders .
3 Bullock , following suggestions in S. G. Raybould 's recent book , The English Universities and Adult Education , argued that the universities should stick to Tutorial and preparatory-Tutorial Classes , leaving the WEA as the country 's main provider of less advanced courses in liberal studies ; for this expanded role , the Association would require increased government aid to finance additional full-time posts and would also need to ‘ get rid of those characteristics to which its critics have often pointed … conservatism , parochialism and class-consciousness ’ .
4 The high speed of magnetic compared to optical media would help to disguise some of DVI 's current limitations and would also facilitate a smooth , seamless multimedia presentation .
5 The new constitution , which was based on that of the NCCL , emphasised the association 's character as a body which would make representations on the broad issues of civil liberties and would also take up individual cases of discrimination and ill-treatment .
6 A specialist addiction unit based upon the principles of the Anonymous Fellowships will have knowledge of the compulsive nature of eating disorders and will also have an awareness of how family members and other well-intentioned helpers may unwittingly enable the disease to continue .
7 Indeed one of the best comments I remember on this subject came two or three years ago from Mats Wilander , another who struggled to find form on grass courts and might also be one of those happy to see them disappear .
8 These extend to very broad guidelines on the nature of investments and would also affect trusts considering merger .
9 As a result , American Can decided that relocation could provide the answer to consolidating its head office activities and could also meet the company 's need to be more centrally based in larger , more suitable accommodation .
10 A dissenting shareholder should lodge his opposition at the meeting of shareholders and should also appear at the hearing of the petition .
11 The meeting will discuss both researchers ' and industrialists ' views and will also consider the specific sectors of agricultural and bio-medical research .
12 Secretary would arrange chicken pieces pork pies sausage rolls , sausages on sticks cheese and onion and cheese and pineapple on sticks and would also donate mince pies .
13 As you know , I am away on leave as of this Friday but will be pleased to assist if you have any queries and will also be back from leave .
14 This would reduce carbon emissions and would also provide alternative uses for farm surpluses .
15 It would tie down a lot of troops and would also give Phnom Penh the opportunity to raise international alarm at the spectre of the return of the Khmer Rouge .
16 It has been possible to reconstruct the complete instrument , which was a brass portable sundial with a geared calendar that showed the approximate shape of the moon and its age in days and may also have shown its position and that of the sun in the zodiac .
17 LIFESPAN ABLE will keep the user informed of progress during both phases and will also maintain a hard copy report file , ABLE_REPORT.LOG .
18 Organization : There is a Committee of Ministers ( consisting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of all member states ) which decides with binding effect all matters of internal organization , makes recommendations to governments and may also draw up conventions and agreements ; a Parliamentary Assembly of 170 members who are elected or appointed by their national parliaments from among the members thereof to speak for public opinion , not to represent their governments ; and a Secretariat , the current Secretary-General being Catherine Lalumiere ( since May 1989-ibid . ) .
19 ‘ The results of the experiment should give us a better understanding of the way that normal growth takes place in plants and will also help to provide information for the design of plant-based life-support systems , ’ Dr Briarty explained .
20 They are the official repairers for most of the leading makes and can also provide original replacements for soles and midsoles .
21 The child learns this during the pre-school years and will also start to eat for comfort .
22 Rothmans are to put over £100,000 into the county over the next seven years and will also be title sponsors of the opening home match , the Sunday League game against Lancashire at Durham University on April 19 .
23 It gives off paired nerves supplying their respective appendages and may also connect with the corpora allata and contribute to the labral nerves ( Willey , 2962 ) .
24 A person who is a resident of a country with which the UK has a double taxation agreement may be entitled to exemption or partial relief from UK income tax on certain kinds of income from UK sources and may also be exempt from UK tax on the disposal of assets .
25 ‘ But we would like to see dog owners registered — a move we feel would cut out a lot of bad apples and would also make much rescue work unnecessary . ’
26 It outlines the problems and may also include the reasons for presenting the report in the form given .
27 Often the buyer will exercise both remedies at once , i.e. will reject the goods and will also indicate that he is not going on with the contract , e.g. by demanding his money back .
28 It can be used to renovate leaking pipes , cracks , fractures and holes and can also remove ingrowing roots and calcium build up .
29 Gresham says it is working on similar deals and will also begin marketing the product itself to open systems transaction processing users .
30 Access rights are limited to tables and may also be restricted to combinations of read , update , and insert .
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