Example sentences of "[noun pl] be find [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For elastic materials the above ratios of harmonics are found with an accuracy of about 1 per cent up to ninth order or more .
2 Various surface and subsurface crusts are found in many deserts , but it is doubtful how far many of them are forming under present conditions .
3 Suitable sandstones are found along the Lancashire and Cumbrian coasts ; either side of the Severn estuary ; in Lyme Bay , Dorset ; in north-east Scotland and the Orkneys ; in Devon and in parts of north-east England and south Wales .
4 Similar rationalisations are found for other forms of addictive disease .
5 These defences are found in s4(1) .
6 In Britain , well over 150,000 Roman coins are found by detectorists each year .
7 Archaic Greek coins are found in hoards from Egypt and the Levant , as they were exchanged for goods , perhaps grain or slaves ; many hoards of Roman silver and gold coins are known from southern India because they were exchanged for luxury items such as exotic spices and perfumes , rich silks and precious gems .
8 The coins are found in graves , hoards , reused in jewellery and as ‘ casual ’ finds , the last category being the most numerous .
9 Nowadays it is much less common and only 25% of new cases are found in children , ie the onset of the disease has been greatly delayed .
10 Such activities are found in the broad range of tasks concerned with diagnosis .
11 The larger forms are found in the north , the smaller and lighter coloured ones come from drier steppe and desert areas further south .
12 It is also associated with severe focal mucosal damage but no thrombi are found in the submucosal vessels .
13 The well known ‘ Garnet ’ is arguably hardy and produces reddish mauve blooms and the pinks are found in two smaller clones , ‘ Evelyn ’ and ‘ Pink Endurance ’ .
14 Daedalic terracottas are found in quantity in the Peloponnese ( Corinth , Argos , Sparta ) , Crete and Rhodes , all Dorian centres .
15 Other areas of conifers are found in the High Weald and on the Lower Greensand , but the heavy soils of the Low Weald are dominated by deciduous woodland .
16 Nevertheless , carcinogens are found in similar levels in the smoke of all tobacco products and experiments indicate that smoke condensates from pipes and cigars are equally if not more carcinogenic than condensates from cigarettes [ 5 ] .
17 In this book it is our aim to give such an account of the meaning of the various surface constructions where adjectives are found in English , doing so by relating these to such intensional notions as entity , identification , qualification and assignment ( which can themselves be plausibly related to more general aspects of mental activity ) ; and indeed we believe this is the task for syntax in general .
18 of the county , so that although some of these sites are of great importance to birds , most birds are found in the other 99.5 per cent .
19 A few ‘ bridled ’ birds are found in most colonies .
20 But many other animals and birds are found by members of the public and brought in unnecessarily .
21 FMS is expressed in myeloid cells and FMS mutations are found in myelodysplasia .
22 Amine groups are found in medicines and aromatic amines are used to make dyes .
23 The move follows a conference held in Nairobi in June which brought together representatives of states where rhinos are found with consuming countries , donors and conservationists .
24 The compounds are found in petrol , paints , glues , inks and other solvents .
25 Political parties are found in virtually all countries in the modern world and are regarded by most commentators as essential modern political organizations .
26 Even more convincing heads are found on some lantern flies , where the real head is well hidden and the false head has a huge eye-spot and bold ‘ antennae ’ .
27 Daedalic has been claimed as a Dorian style ; but purely Daedalic heads are found on marble lamps made in the Ionian Cyclades , and the first monumental marble sculpture from the same area is inseparable from the Daedalic tradition .
28 The body of Nikandre 's statue is as formally constructed as the head , and similar clothed bodies with Daedalic heads are found on a smaller scale in many materials : terracotta , bronze , ivory , gold-relief .
29 NAG has been used extensively to identify and monitor potentially nephrotoxic drugs , its excretion increases in a dose dependent manner following the ingestion of aspirin and sodium salicylate and high concentrations are found in patients with established analgesic nephropathy .
30 In previous studies of the possible role of TNF α in inflammatory bowel disease we have shown that much higher concentrations are found in the stools during relapse ( up to 5–10 µg TNF α/g); than in serum , thus implying high concentrations in inflamed mucosa .
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