Example sentences of "[noun pl] be [adj] about " in BNC.

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1 MOST New Yorkers are cynical about current efforts to clean mobsters out of their city 's waste-disposal business — and with good reason .
2 Mm , and that , and that , at the end of the day I suppose there has to be a point for the kingdom and it was n't easy to get into that because all the , the , the accounts are all about how big a struggle it is , to get into the kingdom
3 Naturally , Germans are sensitive about war after their own defeat and destruction , followed by decades of division .
4 Where the second point of review is concerned , namely whether the actions taken by the constable were reasonable in the light of his apprehensions , the courts are diffident about interfering , for a number of reasons .
5 Nowadays , however , the constitutional authorities are unhappy about the electoral check ; they are very unhappy about the demise of the undemocratic checks of Crown and Lords ; they are profoundly uneasy about the power of party in government ; and so they are critical of the reality of what Parliamentary sovereignty has become .
6 Now the authorities are concerned about the rising theft of office equipment .
7 Directors of galleries are worried about that .
8 While the Government claims its plans are all about decentralisation , the new powers the NHS bill gives the Health Secretary suggest otherwise .
9 Biologists are concerned about the sole surviving colony of Monk seals , of which only 300 survive .
10 He adds that most of the performers are cautious about who they bed .
11 Since the torque/position characteristics are symmetrical about the zero torque axis , each phase must be excited for half of the total excitation sequence .
12 Compacts are all about the celebration of success whether it occurs in the fourth or fifth years , sixth form or in further or higher education .
13 This is why some combinations of drives from different manufacturers are fussy about which is the master .
14 CAR demand failed to respond to the Budget boost last month and , with election uncertainty now affecting business , manufacturers are pessimistic about the outlook and are cutting sales forecasts .
15 It may be that such moves towards a willingness to detach comment from political allegiance and dogma is a passing fad but it does also suggest that many journalists are uneasy about blind , albeit volunteered , political commitment .
16 Dentists are concerned about quality of care .
17 One respondent in this school of thought commented on the strength of the bond between even inadequate parents and children , saying : ‘ The astounding thing , in my experience as a social worker , is that for the most part kids are crazy about their parents , even when they 're being badly treated . ’
18 A Many marine fishkeepers are worried about unduly high levels of nitrates in their tanks and tapwater , and quite rightly so .
19 He said : ‘ The lads are disappointed about the manager 's ban , but these are the sort of games you come into football for .
20 He said : ‘ The lads are disappointed about the boss 's ban , but these are the sort of games you come into football for . ’
21 He said : ‘ The lads are disappointed about the manager 's ban , but these are the sort of games you come into football for .
22 Before going on to describe the basic features of these techniques , a few words are necessary about the general field of quantitative techniques .
23 Worldwide recession is obviously to blame for poorer attendance , as is unwillingness on the part of dealers to exhibit major pieces when clients are hesitant about buying .
24 These problems may be recited in a familiar litany cited for all service sectors concerned with all dependency groups : services are remote from individuals and their families ; services are difficult for families and clients to get in touch with or access ; services are organisationally and professionallY fragmented , So that families and clients are unclear about who was doing what ; furthermore , services are unconnected or discontinuous , so that families and clients fall into gaps between services ; finally , the statutory agencies were not able to liaise extensively with voluntary or informal care networks However , these general observations do not point precisely to operational tasks .
25 There are times when I think that other people know little about it , but politicians are the last people to pontificate about the curriculum , and I hope that teachers and inspectors are concerned about it .
26 If I am flippant , it 's perhaps because nearly all these books are awkward about the limitations of psychology .
27 The message comes at a critical time for the Government 's flagship education policy , which critics claim has lost its momentum because schools are worried about public spending cuts .
28 You will notice that all the shapes are symmetrical about a left/right axis .
29 He had a habit of singing joylessly about the house , and my colleague was one day amazed to hear what she thought was ‘ Drink to me Only ’ ; she had , however , little time to be surprised at this sensuality , for more careful listening revealed that the words were all about hell-fire and damnation .
30 Many politicians and journalists were ignorant about problems in the teaching of grammar and about the status of Standard English , and simply desired to reinstate the disciplines of study typical of schoolrooms in the 1930s .
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