Example sentences of "[noun pl] be [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 These social institutions are involved when actions of a sexual nature or actions of a violent character have occurred .
2 Law can not fulfil this function unless the decisions of the legal institutions are binding or non-optional .
3 Convicted criminals in penal institutions are disqualified as are persons convicted of certain corrupt or illegal practices at elections .
4 While manufacturers were perceived as the traditional users of sales promotion , now retailers and financial institutions are realising that these techniques can help build business .
5 Some believe equally that the institutions are decaying and that this is a part of some general drift towards anarchy which must be prevented at all costs .
6 Despite all the evidence which they have themselves presented to testify to the way in which liberal democratic institutions are bypassed and used to serve the interests of particular interests , these writers still believe the problem can be exorcised within the liberal democratic framework which exists .
7 Third , as the financial market becomes increasingly global and competition grows , financial institutions are finding that they need to network their resources more and more — whether that be data , staff , or computer hardware — both company-wide , country-wide and across different time zones .
8 This may seem a statement of the obvious , but examiners for universities , colleges and professional institutions are agreed that this very obvious point is not appreciated by the candidates .
9 This is further demonstrated by the decision in Littlewoods Organisation Ltd v Harris [ 1978 ] 1 All ER 1026. 3.2 Business secrets There is no doubt that business secrets are recognised as constituting an interest meriting protection .
10 ‘ … as older , more unprofitable and less environmentally acceptable deep mines are closed and more efficient and profitable operations take their place , the volume of opencast mining should be allowed to decline .
11 Nevertheless the rough tone , irregular rhythms and ‘ dirty ’ intonation that most blues singers would have used are for the most part conspicuously absent in Elvis 's performance ; his tone is full , rich and well produced , his intonation is precise , stable and ‘ correct ’ , the notes are sustained and held right through , and the phrasing is legato .
12 The work includes published editions of documents and calendars of primary sources , and short descriptive notes are given where necessary .
13 Well the notes are grouped but you 're gon na add the .
14 Verbatim notes are used where you want to record everything that is being said in a lecture or copy exactly what appears in print in a book or magazine article .
15 This is not to say that acts which we , or the Buid , would interpret as aggressive never occur , but that such acts are viewed as deviations from the ideals of Buid political culture .
16 On the year of jubilee all slaves are freed , all debts are cancelled and the land lies fallow .
17 Bicycle riders are exposed and vulnerable , and when they are involved in accidents their machines give them virtually no protection .
18 Bicycle riders are exposed and vulnerable , and when they are involved in accidents , their machines give them virtually no protection .
19 Bicycle riders are exposed and vulnerable , and when they are involved in accidents their machines give them virtually no protection .
20 The former interpretation highlights the role played by texts in the socio-cultural processes whereby conventions and ideologies are transmitted or subverted , while the latter points to the possibility of describing and exposing such processes by means of linguistic analysis , which is the central purpose of the papers collected in the volume .
21 Colonel Windsor took a sheet of paper from his desk and wrote out the day 's Orders : Friday , 12 November 1920 To all section commanders Special General Order Section commanders are warned that the severest disciplinary measures will be taken against any sign of looting or retaliation .
22 Of course , being so intimately concerned with the notion of travel , a degree of mobility may bring more rapid promotion opportunities but unlike other organisations of a similar size , there is no pressure here to relocate — should you decline a move because you are not ready to be uprooted , you will find that your reasons are respected and your prospects unaffected .
23 With it , we are back with the problems of identity , specifically those of projection , the process by which certain aspects of the self are seen as located in some object external to the self , and of introjection , the process by which certain aspects of external objects are seen as being located within the self ; we are firmly back in the area of object-relations .
24 Again , paradoxically , objects are seen as increasingly exchangeable with one another , but also increasingly specific in terms of the particular values assigned to them in the form of prices .
25 During the rituals for initiation into each successive age-set the ‘ true ’ meanings of certain sacred objects are revealed and it transpires that the interpretations given at the previous stage were false or partial .
26 If money as abstraction engenders this cynical attitude , so the plethora of products and pleasures creates the blasé attitude in which all objects are perceived as dull and unexciting , and only a new stimulation which rises above the others can produce some , usually temporary , interest ( 1978 : 256–7 ) .
27 In the TEI scheme all such objects are regarded as the same kind of element , called here a ‘ division ’ ; though a distinction is made between divisions whose hierarchic position is regarded as inseparable from their semantics ( these are encoded as , etc. down to elements ) and those for which their position in the document tree is regarded as of lesser importance ( these are encoded as ‘ vanilla ’
s ) .
28 The idea of particular-identity , as we saw , can not be defined in terms of the conditions under which objects are re-identified as numerically the same .
29 In this brief precis of object relations theory I have started from the proposition that good objects are remembered and bad ones only hidden in the unconscious .
30 Another definition of I t is the initial value of the shares corresponding to one futures contract ( that is , S t ) , so that arithmetic returns are calculated as ( F t +1 ; - F t ) /S t ( Figlewski and Kon , 1982 ) .
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