Example sentences of "[adj] system might [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Some form of local autonomy , some abandonment of the old commercial system might have weakened the revolt ; the most Ferdinand would concede ( and that as a short-lived experiment ) was the appointment of creoles within the old administration .
2 In reply , Kepler argued that although several different systems might appear to be equally powerful in predicting a specific range of phenomena , each would nevertheless be distinctive in generating further predictions peculiar to itself .
3 The dunnock probably has no conscious awareness of its long-term best interests , so it is even easier to understand that its nervous system might find certain kinds of stimulation irresistible .
4 Ultimately , if IBM can offer a range of efficient CICS platforms and database engines , the applications processor(s) in a large system might become autonomous machines with a technological life of their own .
5 They thought a redesigned legal system might constrain the civil service and protect their economic interests .
6 A more multilateral international system might revive in time .
7 With the assistance of Dr Viv Edwards ( University of Reading ) , Dr Troyna will be synthesising the main results of these projects and assessing their contribution to current thinking on how educational systems might respond positively and most effectively to the demands of democratic multicultural societies .
8 Bizarre though the synchro-energy system might sound , it 's touched a raw nerve among jaded New Yorkers worn out by a decade of hard , hyped-up materialistic living .
9 But looking back to the principles of Beveridge 's plan for welfare , one of the main conditions which the originators made , in order that a workable system might evolve , was that reasonably full employment be maintained .
10 A list of resources in the American political system might include an individual s own time : access to money .
11 The " language " in which these assertions are made is only special in that it uses money as a social indicator where the corresponding symbolism of other economic systems might use something quite different .
12 Moreover , high inflation rates were and are of particular concern because of the danger that the monetary and financial systems might collapse as conventional money no longer becomes accepted as the medium of exchange .
13 In HIV-1-infected patients with sufficient CD4 T lymphocytes , without prophylaxis for toxoplasmic encephalitis the immune system might control the development of T gondii in-situ reactivated cysts .
14 Defects in other systems might result in financial loss only such as where an expert system is used to provide financial advice .
15 The ITA was persuaded in 1956 that unless the four major companies had guaranteed access to a national market for so many hours a week , the whole system might fail .
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