Example sentences of "[adj] part [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As a dedicated PE teacher he played an outstanding part in developing Hawick as a wonderful rugby club and , more than that , his contribution to the image of the game is unsurpassed .
2 Every instrument , however unimportant it may seem , must play a definite part in reinforcing the main lines of the texture .
3 The unit credit should in our view contain , or be accompanied by , such diagnostic and self-assessment materials , which can be made known to parents so that they can play a more informed and supportive part in promoting the education of their children .
4 Others therefore argued that improved housing would bring financial benefits by lessening the number of the ‘ dangerous classes ’ and allowing the rest ‘ to play their proper part in increasing the sum of general wealth and general happiness ’ .
5 It is perhaps less obvious why both of them Polybius and Posidonius — should have played such a conspicuous part in exploring the barbarian West and in making it more easily accessible to the Romans .
6 That was a crucial part of turning the Royal Family into no more than a diversion for the public .
7 Testing is a crucial part of ensuring that we know what quality of education our young people are achieving , so that if a satisfactory level is not reached , appropriate action can be taken .
8 Performance pay will play a crucial part in delivering the citizens charter programme .
9 Heads played a crucial part in developing such a culture , but it was sustained by other leaders ( especially deputies ) and by active participation of staff members .
10 Second , in vitro experiments have shown that the balance between the transcriptional activator IRF-1 and its antagonistic repressor , IRF-2 , plays a crucial part in controlling cell growth .
11 Played a crucial part in setting up a network of anti-tobacco organisations to campaign in the most effective way possible for a ban on tobacco advertising
12 There is much to suggest , yet little to confirm , that poor performance in these areas has played a crucial part in affecting the overall performance of the economy .
13 Population pressure , along with vagaries of climate and terrain , and geographical location , have strongly influenced Japan 's relations with the outside world over the last 150 years and have played a crucial part in shaping Japan 's evolution for much longer .
14 The theory that success breeds success is particularly appropriate to the rise of headhunting : the early searches played a crucial part in promoting the concept of executive search as a necessary tool of modern business , acceptable in even the most conservative American Boardrooms .
15 For if they vote with John Major next Wednesday , they will have played a crucial part in giving him a fresh mandate to break his election promises . ’
16 More importantly , this interaction is now playing a crucial part in excluding the underclass from the mainstream of society .
17 Cutting the value of , or abolishing national insurance benefits , and a much increased reliance on means-tested assistance , has played a crucial part in trapping the underclass into long-term dependency , although such an outcome is in stark contradiction to the Government 's stated long-term objectives .
18 So , while the stock market boom has played a crucial part in entrenching the wealth position of those who own most , the spread of owner-occupation , coupled with the rapid rise in house prices , has been largely responsible for extending the scope of capital ownership to well over 60 per cent of the population .
19 If anybody thinks that foxhunting plays any real part in controlling the fox problem , they are mistaken .
20 As this institution has now become purely a slanging match ( unfortunately the only time guaranteed to attract a full complement of Members ) , how can it possibly be taken as a serious part of governing the country .
21 To return to football hooliganism in Britain itself , it is clear that the existence of ‘ ends ’ at football grounds all over the country plays a central part in maintaining working-class boys ' street-based culture .
22 The Labour Party , which had played a central part in achieving educational change through Circular 10/65 ( see page 15 ) , had become more and more doubtful about the political wisdom of some of the changes it had itself pioneered .
23 Not only does the rhythm fit with what the poet is saying , it plays its own central part in creating the mood and meaning of the poem .
24 Recurrent bursts of petitioning on an ever larger scale played a central part in developing and maintaining the dynamic of anti-slave trade agitation up to 1792 and of the emancipation campaign from 1823 .
25 It has also played a central part in promoting management education in Wales : in 1977 it was designated as the Regional Management Centre for the Principality .
26 It would seem fair to conclude that while for the bulk of the population Hitler 's image was no doubt related in an abstract fashion to finding a ‘ solution to the Jewish Question ’ , this was an issue which people either gave little thought to or deliberately turned their minds from , and that , correspondingly , Hitler 's public attacks on the Jews were something absorbed with little deliberation , forming no central part in explaining either the high peaks of his popularity or the collapse of the ‘ Führer myth ’ in the last years of the war .
27 Whatever the reasons , Fitzthomas played a central part in committing London to the cause of Simon of Montfort between 1263 and 1265 .
28 He had , after all , played a prominent part in destroying the Lloyd George coalition fourteen months before , and had no wish to be involved in another one .
29 Japanese car makers have mostly played an altogether less prominent part in bringing car safety to the forefront of public attention .
30 Although British statesmen had played a prominent part in bringing these organisations into being , the United Kingdom did not become a founder member and later approaches to join were either ineffective or rebuffed .
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