Example sentences of "[adj] even the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The tide had receded , the land silted again , but the plant life remembered the salt inundation : oddities and rarities of flora attracted the scholarly and delighted even the uninformed .
2 Directors Jim Gray and David Duff presided over a set of financial manoeuvres that bewildered even the most money minded fans .
3 for the self-employed even the self-employed status
4 A lot of excellent furniture-makers that I know have an unreasonable fear of chair-making ; for some reason or other even the strong go limp at the thought of all those angles and curves .
5 it 's surprising even the odd thirty pence here and there
6 The approach to the city with the scriptural shouts evidently attracted the attention of the Passover crowds already in the city , as well as the disapproval of the religious leaders of the nation , to whose critical remarks Jesus retorted : ‘ If these should be silent even the huge stones of the Temple walls would cry out . ’
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