Example sentences of "[adj] man [coord] had " in BNC.

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1 He was such a popular man and had so many friends everywhere .
2 He can not have been an easy man and had , at least , a ferociously sober intelligence .
3 One senior official with a ringside seat at the traumas of winter 1973–4 contemplated resignation during the first week of March so that he could tell the country that Heath was a serious man and had been a worthy prime minister .
4 He was a very decent man but had not been blessed with all the faculties one would normally expect .
5 But he was not a poor man and had been naturally and sensibly alarmed to hear of the 50,000 — disgruntled people who had attended the " martyr's ' funeral in Sheffield , which had given the Chartists something to build on .
6 He was by now a very powerful man and had created jealousy and resentment .
7 But in due course I discovered that the local historian had done very little actual firsthand gathering of data himself : he was a wealthy man and had employed a number of impecunious schoolteachers to be his ‘ research assistants ’ .
8 The native Peruvian , expecting the state to do everything , no longer had to concern himself with his fellow man and had to come to his aid only if required by law …
9 He was a bulky man and had been walking the streets and the sweat was running off him .
10 That 's where the union headquarters were you know , and because I was a local man and had worked at Cranfield loading trucks at the dockside , I knew , knew a lot of the dock labourers , and they knew me , and I used to know each morning what the strikers were likely to do , where they were gon na hold up Eastern Counties buses and so on I used to know all that , and of course the duty inspectors used to purposely send me along .
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