Example sentences of "[adj] man and [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Among those who helped create the public library system in England were the benefactor Andrew Carnegie , whose libraries can be found from Ayr to Brentford , W.H. Smith , whose eponymous book chain still is bookselling for the average English man and woman , and Mr Gladstone .
2 This inheritance , because it was available to every loyal English man and woman , effectively displaced political specificity .
3 He was a marked man and US Intelligence kept tabs on his every move determined to avenge Pearl Harbor .
4 ‘ When your old man and Katya come back … ’
5 ‘ I always walked the seven miles home , but that day the Old Man and Peter Revers came past in the car and offered me a lift .
6 In another Latin poem , for instance , called Mansus , written to a distinguished old man and patron of the arts , that he met in Italy , Giovanni Battista Manso , a friend of Tasso and Marini , Milton hopes that he too in his turn may find such a good friend and patron .
7 that old man and woman
8 An old man and woman lived there did n't they ?
9 The scene between the old man and Helen sets up precisely the type of orthodox structure and subverting spirit Dollimore indicates .
10 Immediately after the scene with the Old Man and Helen , Lucifer , Beelzebub and Mephostophilis appear to consider Faustus 's ‘ lunacy ’ in thinking he can ‘ overreach the devil ’ ( V , ii , 11–20 ) .
11 Ted and Jack were drawn into conversation with the old man and Ted , remembering the mysterious incident , asked him if he could bring to mind any relevant details .
12 It seemed at first sight to be a chaos of struggling men and horses , a wild mêlée ; but soon it became apparent to the newcomers that it was in fact more like a whirlpool of activity , with the ambushed English , above whom the royal standard wavered uncertainly , in the centre , whilst their more numerous attackers circled round them , smiting and thrusting but apparently making only moderate impact .
13 These men were accompanied by thousands of women , children , old men and priests .
14 The bored wives of old men and burgesses often found happiness in the arms of some court dandy or noble fop .
15 Hordes of little old men and women sit around all day doing little else , and that is how they get walnuts .
16 They scalped old men and women , beheaded others , slit throats , cut out tongues , sliced off ears , and hacked off limbs .
17 The radio was thus given a traditional role once entrusted only to wise old men and women .
18 Old men and women over 75 vary greatly in physical and mental capacity which , of course , affects their social and emotional functioning .
19 Pure syntactic ambiguity : old men and women French silk underwear
20 For instance , the meaning of old men and women differs according to whether old goes with men only :
21 Erm I 'm a home help and I go you know , for a lot of pensions and erm the pittance that these er old men and women have to live on a th th , I mean I really think it 's terrible !
22 these old men and women , I mean , they 've worked all their life and er th th there are I mean , there was an article last week in one of the papers as well , and it said , you know , all , all the benefits that we get , there was thousands not , not claiming benefits that they was entitled
23 It was not filled with crusty old men and women poring over the paintings ; the whole building had a bright and open atmosphere , instead of the sullen brooding one she 'd expected .
24 Like those sad old men and women who haunt every casino , they knew the wheel must always win in the end .
25 Here the old men and women deposited themselves about the room .
26 Although the story of Croton 's lost Helen admitted that no single girl of the southern peninsula in those days was entirely beautiful enough , it was still recalled by the attending spectators at the Sunday promenade , by the old men and women no longer in the marriage stakes , by the servants whom custom forbade from parading — as if the cost of new or spruced-up clothes did not make it impossible for them to take part anyway .
27 Old men and women sat in the shade of the doorways , chatting and drinking black coffee .
28 They 're not , it 's true , much given to murdering old men and children ; they do n't force Cardinals to ride facing the tails of donkeys through the streets .
29 The Comédie Française did not impress her either , for it seemed to her a collection of posturing gabbling shadows , mocking at plays that she had studied in tranquillity and silence : the celebrated mirrors of Versailles were all spotty , Notre-Dame looked at her as though it had two spires missing from on top , and the famous intellectual cafés were full of old men and tourists .
30 These brave men and women face the threat of terrorism every day of the year .
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