Example sentences of "[adj] give [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The aim of Sussexdown is to enable the residents to enjoy as full , varied and independent a life as is possible given their disabilities .
2 The aim of Sussexdown is to enable the residents to enjoy as full , varied and independent a life as is possible given their disabilities .
3 Having failed to make this distinction they are free to give their ministry calling a higher priority than their family .
4 Up until now there has been no uniformity of presentation of nutrition information ; a manufacturer has been free to give what information he wants in the way he chooses to express it .
5 ‘ I was wrong to give your mother a job , ’ he said .
6 The scale and importance of the nationalized concerns are so great that ministers are not prepared to give their managers a free hand .
7 I suspect that such things may gradually wither away , as members of staff are increasingly prepared to give their time according to the letter of their contracts and no more , and are increasingly expected to do so .
8 She was not prepared to give her mother the satisfaction of knowing that Nicky had deceived her .
9 Big building societies are not prepared to give you rates , and small building societies are wanting to get going
10 If hon. Members would like to debate the five guillotine motions that I introduced , I should be happy , if the Leader of the House was prepared to give us time , to debate those matters .
11 Yes I 'm prepared to give my name I feel you know .
12 When he spoke of himself with evident authority as ‘ the senior Vietnam veteran on active duty ’ you could read the subtext as if it was in neon : if I am prepared to give my commander-in-chief unquestioned respect , so should you .
13 Ernest and Rosie looked at one another again , at a loss for words , as he went on , ‘ If you are prepared to give your agreement to such an undertaking , I will give instructions to your bank without delay , and the necessary funds will be put at your disposal .
14 They will want to be sure that you are prepared to give your time to care for the children , that you will provide for all their needs and take them out regularly , and that you really do like small children !
15 But while most stars are willing to give their time and talent to worthy causes , it seems there are great holes in the ’ peace and goodwill to all men ’ attitude .
16 He was so respected by his natural enemies , the Moors , that when he was exiled by his Christian overlords , they were more than willing to give him shelter and employment .
17 Amber Styles gives an extraordinary performance as a woman forever willing to give her man another chance . ’
18 He maintained his innocence and claimed he had been willing to give his life for Castro but had never been a communist .
19 In one of the most striking of his letters to his brother , the Emperor Joseph II , he stresses the need for a ruler always to be willing to give his subjects a complete account of the finances of the state and of their administration ; such action , he writes , is ‘ glorious , useful and just ’ .
20 They are twice as likely as any other group to fantasize while they 're actually having sex and are also prone to give their imaginations free rein while in the bath , in the shower or on the phone .
21 Are candidates selected generally appropriate given their level of salary and the expenses incurred ?
22 Counter-mining would be impossible given their shortage of powder ; at best they might be able to break into the enemy mines and fight it out hand-to-hand .
23 So if you had a word with Liz I bet she 'd be delighted to give you permission for the kids to visit the old family home . ’
24 Work out the following giving your answers in their lowest form .
25 The accused gave his mistress carbon tetrachloride to increase sexual satisfaction .
26 It may mean ‘ The Spirit of God has made me ’ , but in view of the parallel ‘ and the breath of the Almighty gives me life ’ it is just as likely to mean that the Spirit is the animating principle of life .
27 Asked how such hours could be kept up , the weaver replied : " As long as God Almighty gives me strength .
28 Derry 's emergence as a force in youth competition at national level was , it seems , almost inevitable given their concentration on under-age golf in recent times .
29 It 's hard to give your heart to a man who dresses up in his mother 's ball-gown and corsets .
30 Your teacher will be asking lots of questions , and you must try hard to give your views in class discussions .
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