Example sentences of "[adj] hand [conj] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 In the shopping centre , the Conservative candidate and his supporters , decked in blue rosettes , thrust their campaign leaflets into largely willing hands and launched into a well-practised patter .
2 I am nothing but a stomach of cheap tin , empty but for the clanking of a few tin cans which have been squashed by a gargantuan hand and thrown together .
3 They remain certain that planning , when in the proper hands and organized in a proper way , can bring a degree of social responsibility , security of conditions , and avoidance of waste and duplication , that no market system of atomized competitive production units can ever hope to achieve .
4 Gallagher grabbed his hair with his left hand and swung with his right .
5 Bergson reached out almost tenderly and took the man 's cheek between the fingers of his left hand and twisted until Sung fell to his feet , whimpering in pain .
6 A multitude of household effects , iron bars , timbers , glass , bricks , a chimney stack , seemed to have been shaken by some giant hand and strewn any which way .
7 Durnin plays the winning hand as United come up trumps against Luton .
8 Gadgets are useful in professional hands and used in the right way , but in the hands of a novice they can be dangerous .
9 She poured herself a gin and tonic and took up a position she had frequently occupied since the kidnap — standing by the lounge window , staring out into the garden , glass cupped in her right hand and cradled against her breast like a child , cigarette held aloft in her left hand , mouth half-open , eyes fixed intently on some distant and perhaps invisible object .
10 Berowne could n't both have held the razor in his right hand and clutched at the blanket as he fell .
11 On the back , quite without superficial decoration , the artist has concentrated on revealing the forms of the body , not adapted to a linear pattern but swelling in majestic simplicity under the smooth cloak which originally veiled the hair and falls almost to the ankles , held in the right hand and brought round under the left elbow to be tucked into the belt in front .
12 These differences may reflect the influence of parental or pedagogic pressure to write with the right hand as compared with a natural predisposition to use the left hand .
13 The severed blade was raised from the sawdust by an unseen hand and re-connected to its spindle .
14 It was n't Peter 's boyish hand as expected , but a more mature , altogether more powerful one , with a white cuff and an inch of dark dinner-jacket jutting between the curtains .
15 When his Preces , or devotions , were published after his death , the printer described ‘ the glorious deformity ’ of the original , ‘ slubbered with his pious hands and watered with his penitential tears ’ .
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