Example sentences of "[adj] problem be [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Before the 1970s , one reason why wife battering was not perceived as a social problem was because it was argued that those who suffered it could leave and those who stayed could not be suffering .
2 One of the real problems was that there were too many badly built , badly designed buildings in the wrong location which the tenants do n't want . ’
3 Even the difficulties you 've had if you want to go about it , where the central problems are if you think there are any particular ones .
4 The real problem is that such research reveals modes of thought and practice which are well known and constituted , but which are necessarily concealed .
5 The real problem is that the writers of such texts may make political difficulties within a department , or teach in ways difficult for students to understand .
6 The real problem is that , unless resisted , the vigorous pressure for federalism by some leaders in Europe will become an assumed part of our involvement in the European Community .
7 The real problem is that he is Swiss and not Danish .
8 Our real problem is that people are now comparing our performance with our own record . ’
9 But the real problem is that it reaches mainly those who need it least .
10 Such natural impediments aside the real problem is that however still one tries to remain , one 's own body sets up waves which destroy the reflections which are such an intrinsic part of the sought after image .
11 His real problem is that he believes it all .
12 The real problem is that the Government refuses to accept what the Maastricht Treaty is about .
13 The real problem is that Televisa 's experience in Mexico may have convinced it that a strategy which worked well in a market where the company was protected by the government is one that will succeed in the face of intense competition .
14 The industrial equivalent of fiddling while Rome burns is to spend hours of internal management time arguing about the allocation of costs between departments or divisions , when the real problem is that the whole cost of the operation is too high .
15 The real problem is that if solicitors prepare the written brief , there is much less of a case for denying them the right of audience to argue that brief before the court .
16 ‘ Your real problem is that you 've become very successful , very quickly , Miranda .
17 The real problem is that there are situations where negative pecuniary externalities exist , and this means that co-operative R&D ventures may end up doing less R&D than independent firms would have done in the same setting .
18 The real problem is that there is no democracy in Scotland .
19 ‘ Publishers are concerned about dwindling hardback sales ; but the real problem is that the price of most hardbacks deters people from buying them .
20 But the real problem is that no matter how reactionary their articles seem to be the writers still tend to be enmeshed in the thought patterns of the Straightworld even when deriding it , which can only work like walking on a treadmill towards the new World .
21 The real problem is that this building does not have the necessary cable ducts .
22 The real problem is that , because of the infighting between various entrenched interests , the Scottish Office may opt for a quiet life and the status quo .
23 I mean , the real problem is that the rating system is out of date , it 's based on a rating valuation which was last updated in 1973 and has n't been updated since .
24 The real problem was that although Ernest Bevin and the trade union movement had swept away pacifist opposition , and won conference support for collective security for the League of Nations at the Labour Party 's Brighton Conference of 1935 , it was by no means fully committed to rearmament .
25 The real problem was that many students felt unable to ask for help when they were in difficulty .
26 The first standard problem is that the market is not perfectly competitive .
27 An additional problem is that the most heavily used motorways are being designed to carry 100 million standard axles over 20 years .
28 An additional problem is that some drugs , notably diuretics which are commonly used with older people , cause a loss of potassium .
29 An additional problem is that the resource requirements for the necessary development work may result in a degraded service to lexicographers and may displace the interactive work of lexicographers from time to time .
30 One additional problem is that the voltage.controlled oscillator is unable to provide the pause between step commands needed at the beginning of the deceleration period so that the rotor can advance beyond the excited phase equilibrium position ; the control of individual phase excitation timings available with the other open-loop schemes can not be produced with the voltage-controlled oscillator technique .
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