Example sentences of "[adj] time for [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I thought I 'd better prove that I do n't always forget about normal times for refreshing the inner man , ’ he drawled , but there was such a twinkle in his eyes , so much charm in his manner , that Fabia felt quite overcome by it .
2 With regard to proposal ( b ) , there would be adequate time for discussing details during the year leading up to April 1993 .
3 Ideally this type of assessment begins when the patient is admitted to hospital so that there is adequate time for planning if special arrangements have to be made prior to the patient going home .
4 but there 's a right time and a wrong time for doing it , see cos basically if you were getting the money , the phone calls that were , that were done a since Christmas right , I 'm not sure how the bill runs , it probably runs December , January , February er I think they run a quarter on the phone bill , and its a three month period
5 When you plan your programme , start with the social and personal free time for shopping or relaxation that the participants ought to have to encourage their brains to work during the meaty sessions .
6 Because of these uncertainties the appropriate time for selecting the multiplier is at the time of death and the number of pre-trial years for which special damages are awarded should then be deducted from the multiplier ( Graham v Dodds [ 1983 ] 1 WLR 808 ) .
7 I have noticed , once the fish have begun feeding and I have set up a steady rhythm with the swimfeeder , that the crucial time for getting bites is up to thirty seconds after the ‘ feeder has hit the surface .
8 The rod-bending bites are merely the start of a run , and it is this first powerful run , which began as soon as the barbel picked up the baited hook and gained momentum within seconds , that is the crucial time for losing fish .
9 " I did n't know you had a set time for dealing with housing . "
10 Lying in bed at night is a perfect time for scanning our brain for those things we might have forgotten .
11 As I have just mentioned , the requisite time for pressing most materials is between six to eight weeks .
12 After surfacing the Solution remains active and displays time elapsed since surfacing , time until complete desaturation , maximum depth and dive time of your last dive , and amount of available no-decompression time for planning the next dive .
13 You should be feeling confident , bold and assertive now making this an ideal time for meeting your boss or bank manager and getting support for a new idea , concept or venture that you 're sure is a winner .
14 A fine time for making deals and arrangements for the future so plan ahead .
15 The miracle-stories quoted above indicate that this was a coin-using peasant society : every household wanted coins some of the time — notably when it came to Martinmas ( 11 November ) , the customary time for paying dues to landlords ( as it remained in the nineteenth century ) .
16 The school should also set up regular times for reviewing progress and should alert you to any difficulties your child may be experiencing .
17 And secondly , we 'll be able to sort out a reasonable time for getting her home .
18 The same principles as discussed above apply in relation to when is the optimum time for lodging such a Tender .
19 The festive period this year is a good time for seeking out the various shapes or figures in the Moon , for its phase grows ( waxes ) from first quarter on 23 December to full on 30 December .
20 This is not a good time for getting involved in strenuous activity .
21 A good time for getting on with DIY or household repairs .
22 It was a good time for building up the faculty .
23 It 's a good time for thinking things over . ’
24 He told the committee : ‘ It is not a very good time for extending the scope of legal aid .
25 Eating a meal is a good time for socializing , so you should try to eat your own meal with the patient whenever possible , or organize family members or friends to do this .
26 • Decide on a regular time for working — perhaps when your child is asleep or at playgroup .
27 In December 1280 Master James was granted letters of protection for seven years , probably the estimated time for completing the works he took over in 1278 .
28 As a romantic you will be glad to hear that today is a great time for making moves in this area .
29 As a romantic you will be glad to hear that today is a great time for making moves in this area .
30 As a romantic you will be glad to hear that today is a great time for making moves in this area .
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