Example sentences of "[adj] as [pers pn] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 It has been suggested that , if a researcher is not sometimes surprised at what they observe , then they are failing to be as open-minded as they should .
2 We are not so sensible as we ought to be of the Providence which hourly sustains us .
3 The object of the attentions of Tory apparatchiks — and ministers — is the new policy on employment law , moderate and sensible as it may seem .
4 Though consent is undeniably a defence to an action for conversion , there are difficulties in reconciling this result , sensible as it may seem , with general principles of agency , for since Y's act was unauthorised it could only be effective if done within an ostensible authority — but that doctrine is inapplicable to undisclosed agency .
5 they 're as fresh as they can be .
6 Last month we expressed concern that the Ginger Foods imported by Atlantis from the USA might not be as fresh as they should be , coming in screw top jars with no other seal .
7 These are both recommendable performances : the Monte-Carlo orchestra , in particular , is on top form , and plays this familiar music for all its worth , so that it comes up as fresh as it must have sounded in St. Petersburg a century ago .
8 With the continuing preponderance of the agricultural population this aspiration was not then as unrealistic as it might seem today .
9 My first encounter with a badger , as a lad of 10 , was as exciting as I could have wished .
10 She enjoyed nearly everything , even widow 's weeds perhaps most of all widow 's weeds , as her married life had not been as exciting as she might have wished , and besides , they were so graceful and pretty .
11 It has dawned on the stock market that accounts are not as reliable as they ought to be and that dubious accounting practices may reflect underlying difficulties or at least lead to some distortion in the market 's valuation of a company 's shares .
12 Restrained as he may now appear to be , his precariously balanced control might well snap as his passion mounted .
13 ‘ It 's a special design of Roman 's — it 's supposed to stay put , even in a strong wind , ’ Dana said , her high voice telling Claudia she was n't as calm as she would like to appear .
14 But she 'd be as cool and calm as she could as she tried to point out to Naylor Massingham the unfairness of his action .
15 Under an Indian sun , the crowd moved briskly along the prom , chattering about the events of last night ( ‘ You would have thought she 'd be too tired for that sort of thing ’ ) and hoping , with an optimism undimmed by experience , that the day 's events would be as entertaining as they would be inspiring .
16 This is , of course , wrong as we could have guessed on the basis of our experience with forces acting upon capacitor plates .
17 ‘ My surgeon says further surgery would be morally wrong as it could affect my future health but I had to make an effort to get back after the England tour went wrong .
18 We have a duty to be as clear as we can , and to articulate at all times what we are trying to do , in at least a general sense , and it will help us to ask ( even if we can not always easily answer ) what the result might be in terms of student ability or behaviour .
19 It was soft , but as brisk and clear as it would have been in the middle of the day .
20 Your tentative benefit was not perhaps as clear as it might have been which would have made it easier to lead into my willingness to proceed .
21 One point the department is very clear on , the section paragraph five thirteen of P P G twelve is as crystal clear as it could be , the structure plan should indicate the general location of individual developments likely to have a significant effect on the plan area .
22 Keep it light and sometimes when things are not as clear as you would like them to be just trust and give the remedy you judge to be nearest .
23 That aside , the rest of the main editing screen is as clear as you could wish .
24 I believed at the time that I more or less grasped the metaphorical implications of this , but after I had put the phone down I found I was not as clear as I should have hoped to be about exactly what was required of me in concrete practical terms .
25 ‘ The great thing about writing sport for Punch is that people ca n't say it 's not as funny as it used to be , because nobody 's done it before , ’ he said .
26 Not as funny as it used to be .
27 ‘ A book that is as rich and funny as you would expect from Mary Wesley ’
28 What makes science distinct is not the unique possession of these features but the unique rigour with which they are pursued , even though not all scientists are as rigorous as they might be .
29 ‘ Even though the viewing figures are up to 7.5 million — from an all-time low of less than four million — there 's no doubt they are not as high as they might be .
30 Though interest rates have also been very high indeed , the support which North Sea oil has given sterling has perhaps tended to stop them rising so high as they might otherwise have done .
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