Example sentences of "[adj] at [being] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It 's not that he 's unfriendly or awkward or rude , merely uncomfortable at being in the spotlight without a character to hide behind .
2 His secretary , Shirley , smirks from behind her desk , self-righteous at being at her post before the boss , even though she is at this moment inspecting her face in a compact mirror .
3 I 'm not less horrified at being with him .
4 Diana needs people ; unlike the Prince , she is not much good at being on her own .
5 But I ca n't say I 've been happy at being on the end of his criticism . ’
6 Although the house was dark and frightening , with its big rooms full of heavy furniture , I was excited at being in a new place , and looked forward to my new life there , working for kind Mrs Fairfax .
7 I was too excited at being in such a strange city on the other side of the world for there to be any question of going back to sleep again .
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