Example sentences of "[adj] by her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Amid the tension and gossip of this weekend 's London fashion shows , Katharine Hamnett , rebel , provocateur and most likely candidate for the title of British Designer of the Year , is conspicuous by her absence .
2 This was made very clear by Her Majesty 's Factory Inspectorate , which in the Manufacturing and Service Industry Report 1978 , wrote :
3 She did not like to admit that she was embarrassed by her sister .
4 A flash of intuition told her that he was embarrassed by her attire .
5 Ruth noticed that he stammered slightly , and appeared to be embarrassed by her presence .
6 It might only have been the light reflected from his costume , yet once again he seemed embarrassed by her presence .
7 She could see that they were startled and embarrassed by her condition .
8 In fact I was quite embarrassed by her arrival as I was aware that listeners might think I had invited her .
9 She peered appraisingly at herself in the mirror , pulling faces as if she were alone , and I was embarrassed by her candour .
10 She is prone to pointing out to journalists that she has ugly hands ( her assessment ) , says she grew up thinking she was plain and now is so embarrassed by her appearance on screen that she never sees her films unless she 's forced to .
11 It was firmly slapped from his hand by his mother , and abashed by her glare he turned away with the rest , to leave the accursed woman alone , abandoned , shunned like a leper .
12 It was a relief in a way to be alone , without Miguel always so quiet and thoughtful by her side .
13 He was relieved by her change of tone .
14 He was relieved by her reply .
15 Friends such as Edward Clodd , who expected Hardy to be relieved by her death in 1912 , found instead that he was overcome with remorse for neglecting one whom he had once loved so well .
16 But the other women noted that Marion 's face was unbroken by her weeping .
17 The room was untouched by her presence — no suitcase , no clothes lying about the place .
18 He smiled , untouched by her sarcasm .
19 kept warm by her breasts ,
20 She had never felt that Alice had deliberately kept them apart , fearing that her brother would be bored by her friend .
21 It is easy to get the impression that he was the only one to suffer in this area , constantly put upon by Mrs Moore or bored by her daughter .
22 ‘ Very much , ’ she replied — well , she had fallen a little in love with Mariánské Láznë , and he was much too sophisticated a man to want to be bored by her problems .
23 She was always very quiet — reading books and pre-occupied by her kids .
24 Not surprisingly , her former boss is delighted by her promotion .
25 ‘ But not for me ! ’ she cried unevenly , startled and dismayed by her body 's need .
26 But from the soft laugh that followed her she had the ominous feeling that he was no more convinced by her protests than she was herself .
27 Marie , made unwary by her moment of optimism , and before she could stop herself , said : ‘ Did you ?
28 Having begun the week convinced that Emily , after her attack on his Nesselrode pudding , was one of the stupidest females he had met , Heinrich had seven days later become quite besotted by her beauty , wit and charm .
29 " Horror ? " she said , bewildered by her husband 's emotion .
30 Jake smiled , quite unperturbed by her sarcasm , and helped himself to a shortbread biscuit .
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