Example sentences of "[adj] by [det] the " in BNC.

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1 Now he 'd sit and stare at those same walls made transparent by all the lights left on at night .
2 Azadi was becoming exasperated by all the questions .
3 ‘ I am sure Lennie was quite embarrassed by all the speculation linking him with Spurs , ’ Henderson said .
4 Benjamin must have been more than a little interested by all the information this sheet of paper contained , principally because he had scarcely known his own father , who had died before he was two years old .
5 Interestingly , the comparisons of fractions and decimals which were found most demanding by all the pupils , were rated low in terms of experience .
6 There is very much a joining in element participation is welcome by all the speakers .
7 They still maintain they 're ‘ dead immature and do n't give a shit ’ , but they are also bored stupid by all the tales of rock'n'roll excess .
8 He was not impressed by all the hocus-pocus with the Scapegoat nor by the gossip which linked Jordan with the dead man , but beyond all that he was beginning to feel — to sense that this was a sinister crime , an expression of hatred , long nurtured in secret until it could no longer be contained .
9 Commercial information ( competitive , market , product etc. ) is considered to be the most important by all the planning departments .
10 ‘ It will now be necessary to observe that animals are more frequently attacked by epizootic , endemic and contagious diseases than the human species because we are protected from these casualties by our Houses , Clothing and manner of Living , in short by all the precautions that reason dictates , whilst animals are deprived of all these recourses and are constantly exposed to dangers which we avoid by the above-mentioned precautions , besides their food and drink is constantly the same , which often is the cause of a fermentation in their blood which generally terminates in stubborn and fatal diseases .
11 ‘ My horses were very excitable and got a bit fired-up by all the activity , ’ he said .
12 I 'm too disturbed by all the stuff that 's happening .
13 Desert Orchid enjoys the crowds , and is n't worried by all the people touching him .
14 be fair and perceived as fair by all the parties involved ;
15 That this is heartening , and cause for hope for the future , is due to its existence being unaffected by all the philosophies , religions , superstitions , political systems and cults that have ever been formulated .
16 Cut a strip of paper 12cm wide by half the length of the measurement taken ( see below left , How to measure for a tie-back ) .
17 We heard about your recent burglary and hope you are not too upset by all the trouble and inconvenience .
18 This does not mean merely that correctness of translation is undetermined by all the possible data .
19 I saw ships and all manner of boats , and I was surprised by all the greenery just below the window .
20 MacArthur is modestly surprised by all the praise and talk of awards that has greeted her recent performances : ‘ These roles have a lot to do with the reason I became an actress in the first place — I still think of my career as being about to begin ! ’
21 But despite Wolfgang 's amazing prowess , he remained a docile , industrious and affectionate child , remarkably unspoilt by all the adulation he received .
22 They remain undiminished by all the Christmas cheer .
23 Connie is bemused by all the attention , mystified why her garden which is ‘ a proper higgle-piggle ’ should arouse so much interest . ’
24 He says that Mr Summerfield would be bemused by all the fuss — but would appreciate the way his money had been used .
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