Example sentences of "[adj] they had been " in BNC.

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1 Accordingly , in the present case it would have been , I think , impossible for the solicitors , however careful they had been , to make an assessment which accurately reflected the remuneration which would have been paid to them and to counsel after the matter had been considered under the arrangements provided by the legal aid board .
2 Trade union representatives saw themselves as being accountable either to their respective trade union or to the regional TUC ( the nominating body ) , although virtually no employers ' representatives saw themselves as being accountable to regional or national CBI and many were unaware they had been nominated by this body .
3 Because there was no advice whatsoever , very few saved and only later realized how foolish and extravagant they had been :
4 It is only against this background that one can begin now to understand the behaviour of Hollywood and Broadway , of the star names who confessed so eagerly and abjectly to their previous sins and were meat and drink to the H.U.A.C. Like reformed alcoholics , they could not wait to let the world know how misguided they had been and who had led them astray .
5 Arabella Buckley hissed out the words , but Sven Hjerson thought it very likely they had been carried by the sticky breeze as far as the couple in the prow .
6 It was obvious they had been talking about him .
7 It was quite obvious they had been ordered specially in advance .
8 How lucky they had been to have grandparents living at Thrush Green , thought Joan , looking back to those happy days with affection .
9 Although sure they had been seen , he thought that their only chance of escape was to run to better cover .
10 Each child was proud of how good they had been , each of them earning three stickers for the three meals .
11 It seemed that they should stop and follow the sight of the two young boys , but it was too late they had been and they had gone and now only a disturbance was left behind .
12 She thought how rough they had been with each other , how savage almost , sometimes in an odd way wanting to be done so that they could begin all over again .
13 How happy they had been together , he and she and the little lad in the drowsy heat of the meadows .
14 Brian had chosen Bath as a place to which he would take Celia the following weekend , partly because it was not too far away and partly because he remembered how happy they had been there before .
15 So far as she 'd been concerned they had been just friends .
16 So far as one can tell from the scanty evidence available they had been something short of that .
17 At a media briefing in the House of Commons , the five main polling organisations — Gallup , Harris , ICM , NOP and MORI — reminded political editors and other interested journalists how accurate they had been in the past .
18 Instead , it reflected how successful they had been in aggressively promoting their rather indifferent work .
19 I had not realized how close they had been but she grieved for a long while for the grandmother to whom she had felt close and in whom she had found it easy to confide .
20 He remembered how silent they had been when the great rat appeared .
21 Astute team that they were — from Kylie herself , through father Ron and Svengali Blamey to PR people Sally Atkins and the McCright brothers Ron and Rob — they were aware they had been dealt a one-off set of cards .
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