Example sentences of "[adj] that they had " in BNC.

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1 But it was clear that they had not given the subject much thought , nor did they feel there was any need to .
2 It seems clear that they had corresponded during 1796 , and by the time they met again at Stowey they were well acquainted with each other 's work .
3 The fact that my slimmers felt so much healthier encouraged them to continue on the diet while they were losing weight and it became clear that they had no intention of falling back in to their old habits .
4 It is clear that they had already formulated their ideas and been moving towards confirming them , but the definite proof still awaited the energy sensitive neutron spectrometer .
5 Although Glasgow District Council ( GDC ) supported Heatfest , they made it clear that they had not the resources to implement any radical outcome .
6 They may have done so , but they did not make it clear that they had .
7 Nevertheless five men , who had been imprisoned because they deliberately and flagrantly disobeyed the orders of the NIRC , and so imperilled the rule of law and ‘ our whole way of life ’ , were released although they had not asked to be released and had made clear that they had no intention of apologizing to the court for their behaviour or of desisting from that behaviour .
8 It is fairly clear that they had rediscovered at least some of Mendel 's laws before his work was known to them .
9 Whether or not this advance notice had any bearing on the government 's response , when the subpoenas were served on 29 September , the FBI , the DEA , the State Department , the National Security Agency , the CIA and the National Security Council each made it clear that they had no intention of complying with them .
10 The Soviet authorities had no reason to take any interest in the fate of a handful of foreign invaders when over twenty million of their own people had been killed , while as for the Italians , it had suddenly become clear that they had in fact been anti-Fascists to a man all along and could hardly be expected to sympathize with the relatives of those few fanatics who had been rash enough to fight for the despised Duce .
11 Tonks was incensed about the Vichy venture , as were the NZRFU folk at home , everyone was embarrassed that they had no way of knowing where the All Black party were , what was involved in the game , and where next the travelling group might surface .
12 The yew trees in the Grove were dark green and so old that they had grown twisted and lumpy , like arthritic fingers .
13 Since Freemantle had to walk within a few yards of Leapor 's door whenever she approached Brackley from Hinton , it is perhaps odd that they had not met at least in passing .
14 Although this is the first recorded instance of a private undertaker being used by the royal household it is possible that they had been previously involved in some small way in royal funerals , for it is doubtful that the College of Arms provided coffins and it would seem probable that they contracted this out to the trade , to people such as William Russell — indeed , could it have been Russell who provided the coffin for Queen Mary in late December 1694 ?
15 Hugging the ground , dodging clumps of splintered trees , hopping over hedges and walls and old fortified lines , Lambert led Kimberley and Killion so low that they had little opportunity to take their eyes off the terrain and look for balloons .
16 However , as the epitome of laddish nonchalance , the Inspirals seem unconcerned : Tom says he 's simply grateful that they had an experience — however fleeting — of life as arena-rockers , while bassist Bungle is sure that the pared-down stuff on ‘ Revenge Of The Goldfish ’ is far better suited to compact places like Rock City than cavernous concert halls .
17 They walked along corridors so narrow that they had to turn sideways , and through corridors as wide as barns .
18 Extraordinary that the Soviets had not already grilled and broken this man , unbelievable that they had permitted a trial for espionage to go ahead without the evidence of a confession .
19 Interlocking would have prevented the signalman putting the signals for the express at ‘ CLEAR ’ yet it is strange that although both footplatemen on the express admitted not having seen the home signal on the approach to Charfield both men were equally emphatic that they had seen the proceeding distant signal and they said it was showing a green light and in the clear position .
20 Cohen et al ( 1988 ) reported two case histories of runners who , unaware that they had conceived continued intense running regimes during the first and second trimesters of pregnancy ; both women had assumed their amenorrhoea was due to endurance training .
21 They were too far away for her to recognise faces , but she could imagine John and Angela among them , unaware that they had been pursued all the way from Romania .
22 The Status software programme was designed to avoid the kind of accident that took place at Three Mile Island in the US , where shift workers faced with a breakdown in equipment switched to substitute systems , unaware that they had been taken out of service by a previous system .
23 In Merkur Island Shipping Corporation v. Laughton the defendants were in fact given a copy of the charter of the trapped vessel before the application for an injunction , but the House of Lords held that they had the requisite knowledge independently of this .
24 The conditions in which they had been kept in the notorious Tazmamert prison had been so appalling that they had had to be transferred to a hospital for medical treatment to make them fit for release .
25 The final score was 4–3 to Royston with everyone content that they had given their best .
26 The Iranians , concerned by what Reagan seemed to have done with their wish-list of missiles , wanted to be convinced that they had ‘ something in hand ’ .
27 Many , he said , were convinced that they had had no managerial experience , yet they had successfully brought up children , run a home , and far more .
28 After sitting in the stalls and watching the summer show , the other two were convinced that they had good reason enough to want him .
29 Was n't it possible that in years to come she and Susan , doomed to loneliness themselves , might feel very glad that they had done their best to make someone else less lonely ?
30 He began to feel extremely glad that they had agreed to help the exiled Court .
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