Example sentences of "[adj] that it [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The opinion makes clear that it also applies to ‘ defined-contribution ’ schemes , in which an employee makes payments into the scheme and gets a pension reflecting the returns on his or her cash .
2 But let me make it very clear that it probably was not the best place , a Pathfinder station , for anyone to get near to absorbing the incredible state of affairs .
3 Making it clear that it really does recognise that the only way to revitalise its languishing business units is to hire outsiders for some of the key positions , IBM Corp late Friday announced that as well as making its AdStar Inc storage unit a wholly-owned subsidiary , it had hired industry veteran Ed Zschau , System Industries Inc founder and one-term Republican representative , to be its chairman and chief executive — and an IBM vice-president , relegating the unit 's former general manager Ray AbuZayyad to the post of president and chief operating officer .
4 This usage is now so prevalent that it hardly conveys anything more than the best that could be imagined .
5 Ludo 's brief romance with an English girl was so run-of-the-mill that it hardly warranted mention at dinner parties , let alone gossip .
6 For several seconds , as their gazes met and held , she was disturbingly aware of the strong , sun-bronzed column of his throat , the startlingly blue gaze which studied her with an intensity so vibrantly sexual that it almost took her breath away before he turned his attention to the American couple .
7 But the men themselves , who call it ‘ the muppet shop ’ , remain unconvinced that it really has anything to offer .
8 With its efficient sights , this became so popular that it soon almost ousted the longbow ; in fact this was the last meeting at which the silver arrow was won by an archer using a longbow .
9 Never mind that in the whole country there is only one functioning synagogue , with a congregation so small and old that it sometimes can not muster a minyan .
10 This was a pub with an Irish band , but North , who had Irish blood , may not have chosen it out of sentiment ; the music was so loud that it frequently , and perhaps providentially , drowned out the conversation .
11 It struck me as a bit odd that it never seemed to leave the ground .
12 It is possible that this is a result of the different judgment tasks that were used , certainly subjects reported finding the normality judgment a more difficult task to understand than either of the tasks from Study 2 , it is possible that it also required more attention to the films generally .
13 But we must drive inflation down so low that it no longer affects the decisions made by ordinary people , businesses and government .
14 On structural grounds alone , a new building was needed as it was now so weak that it probably would not be able to withstand building operations being carried out on the surrounding land .
15 The underlying structure of the international system , crucial for Neo-Realism , is offered as an explanation of behaviour so strong that it no longer matters how , or even whether , the actors understand the world about them .
16 Through the first course , clear soup so strong that it almost jellied in an empty soup plate , he talked to Aunt Tossie while she supped up her soup delightedly and gave him gardening secrets for his mother .
17 Indeed , some have argued that the ‘ traditionalism of his general philosophy is so strong that it virtually disables him from that critical rationalism which is essential for the appraisal of particular traditions ’ .
18 Some of ‘ Up In Downsville ’ is so laid-back that it simply wafts around your ears like tobacco smoke and they have an irritating habit of pulling their potential punches for fear of treading on someone 's daisies .
19 The initial hypothesis suggested above about baptism being more a social than a religious ceremony is so general and broad that it obviously can not be tested without being broken down into its constituent parts .
20 By the time the first sharp feelings of his loss had begun to wear off - it would be very many years before all of it did so , and arguable that it ever did — other voices were beckoning .
21 The House of Lords held that it still belonged to the timber firm .
22 The pattern is so simple that it hardly seems worth studying .
23 Reddy acknowledges objections that rewarded gifting might delay the development of a cadaver transplant programme , but argues that as ‘ the medical , legal , economic , technological , and logistic infrastructure required to set up such a programme in India simply does not exist … is the payment of money to a willing , informed adult , who happens to be poor and needy , so unethical or immoral that it alone determines whether people should be allowed to live or die ? ’
24 It was a state of existence so perfect that it almost frightened her because nothing Perfect lasted for ever .
25 The pistol was pressed against his cheek so hard that it almost broke the skin .
26 Of course I have to say that er software fails as well sometimes and indeed one of the problems we all have is that with today 's hardware technologies some of the er computers are so fast that it really reaches the bugs rather quicker .
27 Her beauty was so startling that it mysteriously approached the comic .
28 The TV appearance was so brief that it hardly warranted comment .
29 Her voice , muffled by the cushion in which she had hidden her face , was so despairing that it almost broke his heart .
30 And Phoebe was so relaxed that it actually amused her to realise that everyone who saw them would assume they were a boring married couple , English middle-class tourists .
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