Example sentences of "[adj] that [pers pn] know " in BNC.

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1 That he had done both this morning made it perfectly clear that he knew George had upset her again .
2 From Jacob 's correspondence it is clear that he knew little of Modigliani 's life in the last years .
3 If there are possible problems and conditions that make the company worried about how a partner will cope make it clear that you know what they are and that they are not problems to you .
4 Also , I believe I made it clear that I knew what I wanted from a partnership with a sponsor and was precise and convincing in my presentation .
5 It was so clear that I knew I 'd been blind .
6 Well , not an awful lot really I mean , you know , you , you ca n't win , as I say , it just seemed wrong that you know when people ask being asked to make cuts and make these charges that that amount of money should be spent on something else
7 Robbie was very much afraid that she knew the answer .
8 For a moment Nutty was afraid that he knew that Hoomey had given his secret away ; but he was not apathetic anymore .
9 We knew these and other shows so word-perfect that we knew when a mistake was made , and noticed all the ‘ ad libs ’ put in by actors like George Robey , W. H. Berry , Alfred Lester , and Nelson Keys . ’
10 But it , is n't it an awful situation when you , when you , when you look at it that evidence indicates that the erm the number of people that are either now elderly infirm or sick and and clearly that they all will have to face this , this , this terrible burden and I can not understand because there is , this , there is , there is er a total disarray within the Conservative party , that all their er er back bench er MP s are making representations to their erm their leader who possibly may not be a leader tomorrow but as long as he 's the leader today , John Major that he should do a rethink and here they are er you know , members of the same party , continuing to support something which is so idiosyncratic that you know it 's really beyond belief , er Chairman .
11 And his self-despite was so strong that he knew reviving an old flame or chasing some young actress would only aggravate it .
12 The phrasing got so slow and emphatic that you knew that she wanted you to listen to and weigh up every single word ; but you could n't tell if each word was freighted with anger , or bitterness , or joy ; it just came out with great , quiet force , and you had to work out its tone for yourself .
13 Conservative politicians were over-confident that they knew the right policies , and to a large extent they were contemptuous towards the professional teacher .
14 I know what it is to be alone , to fear death , I know and she is unaware that I know , and yet I have to go to her , I have to leave the safety of my room .
15 Moving her just a fraction away , his eyes once more holding hers captive , he added , ‘ So is n't it fortunate that I know you for the cheat you are ? ’
16 ‘ And is n't it fortunate that I know you for a blind fool ? ’
17 Then , when we actually visit that place for the first time , a subconscious memory is triggered and we are convinced that we knew instinctively what it would look like .
18 The Air Ministry firmly believed that fundamentally it was a question of pure navigation , and furthermore they were convinced that they knew one man who could lead such a formation to meet the planned Bomber Force envisaged by the Chiefs of Staff — but he was not even in the RAF , He was a professional Imperial Airways pilot with an international reputation — a host of " firsts " in world aviation events and , even more importantly , he was an outstanding navigator .
19 From information contained in two articles written by Jeremy Warner , a journalist with the Independent newspaper , the DTI were convinced that he knew members of the ring and could as a result provide helpful evidence to assist their investigations .
20 In 1938 I was offered a programme with full rehearsal and that I accepted , though when it came to the time I asked for separate section rehearsals — first strings , then winds — which met with some opposition , particularly as the orchestra was convinced that it knew the music already .
21 I tell yer , Joe , I ai n't too partial to that cove , and nor ai n't I 'appy that 'e knows where I live .
22 ‘ I 'm so glad that you know at last , ’ she said .
23 I was glad that I knew exactly where Nigel was .
24 I always felt that Basil was a very shy , warm hearted man with a special sort of honesty and I am glad that I knew him .
25 Microsoft Corp chairman Bill Gates said in a televised interview with CNBC-TV that he knows of no effort by the US Federal Trade Commission to force a restructuring of Microsoft , despite its ongoing probe : ‘ I certainly have n't heard any suggestion that they 're even considering something that would change the structure of our company , ’ Gates said ; he also warned on the Business Insiders programme that Microsoft Corp will not be as profitable in the long-term as it has in recent years — ‘ The kind of profit margin we 've had in the past will be very unlikely for us to achieve in the future ; we 've said after tax margins probably wo n't stay over 20% in the mid to long-term , and they could go quite a bit lower than that in the short-term , ’ the company 's chief executive declared .
26 With so much choice it 's lucky that we know the area so well and can show you all the best things on our trips .
27 It is likely that he knew that and said it with all the more relish .
28 Choose your coach with care ; be sure that they know what they are doing for the theatre and actor of today .
29 He makes sure that they know it .
30 If there is any chance of " doorstepping " or having a microphone pushed under their noses as they are leaving a meeting make sure that they know this might happen .
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