Example sentences of "[adj] that [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is clear that whatever the future of palmtop multimedia , the technology on which it will be based must , for the foreseeable future , rely on optical storage .
2 It is clear that whatever the primary or secondary chemoattractant is the neutrophils destined for it will respond in a predictable fashion .
3 It is clear that whatever the CBI , economists or analysts might be saying , several of Scotland 's most experienced businessmen are downright sceptical about any claims that recovery , albeit a very gentle one , is under way .
4 Now , however , a comparison … has made clear that what the older version mainly suffers from are considerable deficiencies in ‘ discourse structure ’ , i.e. , in the way the sentences are combined into well-integrated paragraphs , and these in turn into a well-constructed whole .
5 It is clear that what the courts have rejected in these cases is the suggestion of any inroad into the decision in Morgan .
6 He was only sorry that there the resemblance ended .
7 With this aim in view , he makes explicit that what the sceptics deny is the possibility of knowledge of ‘ the inner nature of things … what the things are in themselves ’ ; when they say that there is no criterion of truth , ‘ they are not speaking of what things appear to be and of what is revealed by the senses … but of what things are in themselves , which is so hidden that no criterion can disclose it ’ .
8 There is a very big market for graphical user interfaces but it is very far from being the whole market , and it seems highly likely that what the majority of today 's dogged MS-DOS users want is simply a few further refinements to the operating system they are familiar with .
9 Other members of the group shift awkwardly at this picture of Arcadia in Southall , until an economist announces coldly that ‘ it is axiomatic that anything the state does it does worse than the private sector . ’
10 Although it was probably inevitable that whatever the political flavour of the government of the day some form of national pattern of cash limits would have had to applied to expenditure on public sector higher education , 4 the practical effects of this political decision turned out to be both complex and capricious , and had two important consequences .
11 Apparently the woman who is now so famous that her every offhand comments is carved in tablets of stone for FRANK SINATRA to jump up and down on , could not qualify for tea , biscuits and fainting spells because she 's seriously underweight .
12 Other things to think about when you 're identifying training alright a handout for you identifying training needs at this stage just to make sure that ya the are still out .
13 A great deal of effort has been put into making sure that what the examiner requests has been clearly and unambiguously stated .
14 Mr. Speaker : I am sure that what the Hon. Member has said has been carefully noted by members on the Government Front Bench .
15 I am not sure that what the right hon. Gentleman says is true .
16 I feel it did , I strongly feel it , feel that , but I 'm also sure that its an awful lot easier than , than most people think , but its not going to work for us is it ?
17 Erm , it 's very important that we find a joint way forward to make sure that whatever the future of local government is in this county , there is an effi effective and efficient purchasing erm , er service me who did the moving .
18 And it 's most important that we the Parish Council get in our erm send our views to the , the commissioners .
19 It therefore seems probable that what the early personality studies of living creative subjects had revealed was their tendency to the schizoidness of which Bleuler writes , and which would now be referred to as ‘ schizotypy ’ .
20 I am aware that what the Government have latterly pursued has been periodically categorised as power-sharing devolution .
21 I remained seated on my mule , uncomfortably aware that my every gesture and expression was being carefully observed .
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