Example sentences of "[adj] that [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 Eventually Ubaldo became convinced that someone in the family circle was supplying the gang with information on a day-to-day basis .
32 Detectives hunting the murderer of an old age pensioner say they 're convinced that someone in his tiny village community is shielding whoever is responsible .
33 The prison has to be convinced that none of its inmates are a danger to the public , but last week Trevor Hanson , a convicted rapist there allegedly attacked a woman while on home leave from Leyhill .
34 Soon after , she said wistfully : ‘ I am just very , very sad that someone with such ability is not able to serve his country in the way he can do best . ’
35 Francesca herself had characteristically taken the line that the Foreign Office ought to have been glad that someone on the staff was that closely involved with the American political Establishment .
36 The editor , a nervous man always conscious that none of his immediate predecessors had lasted more than two years in the job , held his readers ' adoration of royalty as an article of faith .
37 That 's not literary opinion , that 's a fact , and is n't in , incredible that something like that did n't shake some foundations , not a bit of it .
38 It was only natural that anyone with a garage and mechanical knowhow would be tempted during the heady days of the Flea ‘ craze ’ to ‘ have a go ’ .
39 But on the contrary , this world of ‘ it was rumoured ’ and ‘ that may well have been so ’ followed at once by ‘ it is more likely that nothing of the sort happened ’ — again in the opening paragraphs — is as exhilarating as the challenge of life 's opacities to a healthy curiosity .
40 In three years ' time it is likely that everything in the country , including rugby ticket prices , will have escalated by 45 per cent .
41 This is an altogether more simple reading of the section , and would apply where the policeman comes across a person who is using abusive language , and comes to the conclusion that it is likely that somebody in the audience will intervene to put a stop to it , using unlawful violence ( citizens may have the power to prevent a breach of the peace , but not to preserve the public quiet ) .
42 Almost a quarter ( 22 per cent of those aged 65 — 74 and 23 per cent aged 75 + ) consider that it is very likely that someone of their age will develop a serious illness over the next ten years .
43 Good heavens , is it really likely that someone like you could catch a man rich enough to own a house like this ?
44 And , at 10 minutes per page for a 24-pin dot matrix printer it 's likely that anything over one copy is going to be treated in this way .
45 MI5 agreed to give what help was necessary so it is fairly obvious that none of the security services took Eden 's directive seriously .
46 The murmur of amusement that ran round the gathering made it obvious that none of the women present saw this as a hardship .
47 It is the generally accepted method of succession in our family , but , ’ the corpse sighed , or at least a sigh came from the air a few feet above it , ‘ it soon became obvious that none of my three children is sufficiently powerful to wrest the lordship of the Wyrmberg from the other two .
48 An oft quoted tenet that it is inevitable that someone with FAP will develop a bowel cancer , is also disproved by this study .
49 ‘ It is horrifying that anyone in transit can find their way on to an aircraft undetected .
50 Warning : when working on the soil stack , make sure that no-one inside the house empties a basin or flushes the WC .
51 ‘ The IRA are sure that somebody in the organisation is talking and it 's really put the wind up some people .
52 He remembered the dream where he had been riding north with Jinneth into the mountains , and he was sure that something of that figure had been Jenny .
53 Is it Friend ? thought Chesarynth , sure that something about him would give himself away .
54 Ace ducked , certain that Defries would land on top of her and then equally sure that nothing of the sort was about to happen .
55 The ‘ doomsters ’ would have been discredited , and you can be sure that plenty of people would have pointed this out forcefully .
56 Wherever they are make sure that plenty of well-rotted manure is worked into the ground .
57 Merisel Inc has found that it 's easier to rush a catalogue out than to make sure that everything in it is correct , and in a series of schoolboy howlers in the current edition , the name of Conner Peripherals Inc is misspelled , many of its hard disks are described as floppies — and their access times of between 19ms to 1ms are rendered as 19Microsoft to 12Microsoft .
58 And that is why we are now taking this direct route of saying , that policy and resources , as the policy making body of this council , should have some input to make sure that we in the planning committee are not the situation on a planning application when instead we deal with the moral issue of turning away people who need homes .
59 As a result they were often not employed and , even if they were , there was a widespread superstition that the Catholic church made sure that one in twenty ( or was it ten ? ) was faulty , as a sort of divine vengeance .
60 So what what they 're actually saying is that here is a formal training that will make sure that everybody at the , who goes on this course , comes away with a measure of having achieved those skills because th the course itself is formed of two parts .
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